Arriving in Sweet Pea
Anna Periwinkle, an adventureous 25 year old American sailor, got a group of twenty or more people together to go explore the ocean with her. It was just around the beginning of the Gold Rush in america and most her family had headed west to California. So Anna, her dog Lilac and the other sailors set out on a rough 3 month journey not knowing what to expect. When they reached the unknown continent, the first thing they saw was thousands of Sweet Peas. That's how the continent got its name. -
Periwinkle was founded
Anna Periwinkle realizes she has found a place no one had been before. Over the next few months, she goes back to america to pack all her stuff and take along any other poeple that didn't think she was crazy. She arrives back in Sweet Pea with 15 more people and a new idea for the first country's name, Periwinkle. In honor of her dog, she establishes Periwinkle's capital, Lilac. WIth only a population of 36 people, many think periwinkle will be the next Roanoke. But Anna knows they're wrong. -
Exploring Sunflower Rainforest
28 year old Joanna Grace and her adventureous twin brother, Jack Grace, are hired by Anna Periwinkle to go explore what most Perwinklians have never set foot in, Sunflower Rainforest. It's a very dangerous task indeed. The venture will be a easy 3 week journey by foot to the rainforest but actually exploring the rainforst is the hard part. -
The Sunrays
In the Sunflower Rainforest, Joanna and Jack come across a tribe called the Sunrays. They are a peaceful tribe who have been there since the beginning of time. They know certain techiques that Joanna and Jack have never seen before like fishing with a throw net. In exchange for their knowledge, Joanna and Jack made a treaty to not indanger the environment of their tribe. -
The Marigold flood
After a warm winter and lots of percipitation, its no wonder why the Marigold river was a overflowing mess. Luckily, most of the population lived near the coast of the Pacific that the flood didn't affect them much but it made traveling to Poppy Lake much more difficult. -
Sunrays VS. Perwinklans
After 100 years of honoring the truce between the Sunrays and Periwinklans, the Sunrays had enough with the Periwinklans cutting down their sacred trees. Since neither side believed in fighting, the Sunrays fought with peaceful protests and after a year long battle, they won. Due to their giving character, they agreed to let the Periwinklans use 1/5 of their trees as long as they replanted what they cut down. -
Greenest Country in the World
On the greenest continent in the world, it's no surprise that Periwinkle was awarded the greenest country in the world. Electric cars, eco-friendly skyscrapers, solar power and a top of the line recycling system made this country the greenest. It is a great accomplishment not only for the country but for its people.