Period: to
Reign of Chales IV
Charles aceeded to the throne at the age of 40 and left power in the hands of his prime minister, Manuel Godoy.
During his reign, the political crisis of the Old regime began, influenced by the french revolution. -
War with france
Peace of Basel
Treaty of Fontainebleu
Period: to
Reign of Jose I Bonaparte
During his reign, he stablished a conservative political system in which the king had executive power and could propose laws.He made several reforms (establishment of rights for prisoners, abolition of torture...etc.) -
Mutiny of Aranjuez
Abdication of Charles IV
Uprising of the people of Madrid
War of Independence
During this war, the Supreme Central Junta assumed power and summonded the Cortes of Cadiz (to approve laws and the constitution of 1812) -
Abdications of Bayonne
Implementation of Bayonne Statute
Treaty of Valençay
Period: to
Reign of Ferdinand VII
He returned to spain after the war, and was recieved with joy.His reign was divided into three main stages -
Period: to
Absolutist sexenium
Ferdinand VII abolished the constitution of 1812 and persecuted the liberals. -
Period: to
Liberal triennium
Ferdinand swore allegiance to the Constitution of Cadiz and reestablished the Cortes of Cadiz -
Invasion of the ´One hundred thousand sons of San Louis´
This french army invaded Spain and allowed the king to restore absolutism. -
Period: to
Ominous decade
Ferdinand changed the law that prevented women from inheriting the throne, because he wanted his daughter to be the heir. The absolutists oposed and supported Don Carlos (the king´s brother) and the liberals favoured Isabella. -
1st Carlist war
It ended in 1839 -
Period: to
Regency Stage
During this period regency was given to Maria Christina (Isabella´s mother and General Espartero) -
Period: to
Period of Isabella II
Period: to
Reign of of Isabella II
Isabella II acceded to the throne with three years old, while she was minor, regency was given to her mother,until she had legal age to govern. -
Period: to
Moderate Decade
Constitution of 1845
2nd Carlist War
It ended in 1849 -
Period: to
Progressive Biennium
Constitution of 1856
Period: to
Alternation of power
Pact of Ostend
Isabel II went into exile
Constitution of 1868
Period: to
Provisional Government
Period: to
The Golrious Revolution
Period: to
Reign of Amado of Saudy
Period: to
3º Carlist War
Period: to
First Republic
Restoration of Bourbon monarchy