Sir Francis Bacon made desscription of scientific method.
Sir Francis Bacon published "The Proficience and Advancement of Learning" which contained a description of what would later be known as the scientific method. -
Joseph Black isolated carbon dioxide
Joseph Black isolated carbon dioxide, which he called "fixed air" -
Henry Cavendish discovered hydrogen
Henry Cavendish discovered hydrogen as a colorless, odourless gas that burns and can form an explosive mixture with air -
Antoine Lavoisier wrote the first extensive list of elements
Antoine Lavoisier wrote the first extensive list of elements containing 33 elements & distinguished between metals and non-metals -
Jakob Berzelius developed a table of atomic weights
Jakob Berzelius developed a table of atomic weights & introduced letters to symbolize elements -
John Newlands arranged the known elements in order of atomic weights
John Newlands arranged the known elements in order of atomic weights & observed similarities between some elements -
William Ramsay discovered the Noble Gases.
William Ramsay discovered the Noble Gases. -
Henry Moseley determined the atomic number of each of the elements
Henry Moseley determined the atomic number of each of the elements and modified the 'Periodic Law'.