Period from 1939 to today.

  • In the 20th Century, people begun to demand basic social rights,

    such as the right to work, the right to proper health care, and the right to care in an old age.
  • King George V

    celebrated his Silver Jubilee, and drove through crowded streets of cheering people in the poorest part of London.
  • "Four Quartets"

    From T. S, Elliot. Became other of the most famous book during and after WW2.
  • Monarchy experienced a serious crisis

    when George V 's son, Edward VIII, gave up the throne in order to marry a divorced woman.
  • Second World War (1939- 1945)

    Countries which took part where: Germany, Italy and Japan against France, Great Britain, The United States, The Soviet Union an China.
  • The British government promised

    free Secondary Education for all, and promised to provide more further and higher education
  • Atomic Bombs

    dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Over 110.000 people died immediately.
  • "Animal Farm"

    George Orwell.
  • Victory of the United States

    into de WW2, helped it to become the major economic and cultural force in the world.
  • Labour government brought

    a new National Health Service, which gave everyone the right to free medical treatment.
  • Britain became in fact a social democracy,

    in which Conservative an Labour parties agreed on most of the basic values , and disagreed mainly about methods.
  • The British people finally left India.

  • The National Assistant Act

    provided financial help for the old, the unemployed and those unable to work through sickness. Mothers and children also received help.
  • Car production

    grew a lot, and not only rich people could brought them, worker-class too.
  • Elizabeth II

    became queen
  • Young people started to influences fashion and music,

    Nothing expressed the youthful "pop" culture of the sixties better than "The Beatles".
  • Catholic and Protestants

    were in a war. Many soldiers dead.
  • Young people questioned authority,

    and the culture they had been brought up. In particularly they rebelled against the sexual rules of Christian Society.
  • "Permissive Culture"

  • Margaret Thatcher was elected the first women prime minister

    she represents the Conservative government. She come to the power calling on the nation for hard work, patriotism and self-help. She wanted more "law and order" but not all where happy about that changes.
  • Conservative government became deeply unpopular

    in the country
  • Many people become wealthier

    and have better standard of live.