California v. Bakke
This Supreme Court case ruled that race is allowed to be a factor in college admission policy, but specific racial quotas are not allowed. -
Religious Fundamentalism
This Christian movement was largely aimed at eliminating beliefs of Darwinism and biblical criticism. -
For the first time ever, the National Rifle Association endorsed a presidential candidate (Ronald Reagan). -
Ronald Reagan
Republican nominee Ronald Wilson Reagan was elected President of the United States. -
PATCO Strike
This strike (organized for the purpose of gaining better working conditions, pay, and a 32-hour workweek) was declared illegal by President Reagan. -
Doctors in the US discover AIDS after 20 years of its proliferation. -
Supply-Side Economics
This economic theory, based primarily around tax cuts and deregulation of business, was put into action via the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981. -
Trickle-Down Economics
This economic theory is based around tax cuts for the upper class and deregulation of business, and was championed by President Reagan in the early 1980's. -
Economic Recovery Tax Act
This act of Congress made massive tax cuts with the purpose of boosting the economy. -
Sandra Day O'Connor
Sandra Day O'Connor is made the first woman justice in the Supreme Court. -
This party of radical Nicaraguans took overthrew their country's government, and were intensely against US occupation of their country. -
Boland Amendment
This group of amendments was designed to limit US occupation and governmental assistance in Nicaragua. -
The Strategic Defense Initiative was a proposed concept to end mutually assured destruction by using a system of missiles, lasers, and/or particle beam weapons to defend against Soviet attacks. -
Beirut Bombings
These terrorist attacks happened in Lebanon, which was organized by the "Islamic Jihad" as an attack against US and French military members. -
Yasser Arafat
This Palestinian leader chose to change his policy with Israel from conflict to negotiation. -
Geraldine Ferraro
Ferraro was the Democratic nominee for Vice President, the first female nominee for the position in American history. -
Walter Mondale
Mondale ran for President as the Democratic nominee, but lost to the Republican nominee Ronald Reagan in a landslide. -
Iran-Contra Affair
This political scandal was the result of the Reagan Administration selling arms to Iran, which was illegal according to an arms embargo at the time. -
Glasnost & Perestroika
This reformative movement within the Communist Party of the Soviet Union to be more open and economically successful, which may have lead to the end of the Soviet Union. -
Bob Dole
This man became the Republican Leader of the US Senate, which -
This energy corporation was formed when two smaller companies, Houston Natural Gas and InterNorth, merged. -
Mikhail Gorbachev
Gorbachev becomes the final leader of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. -
William Rehnquist
Nominated by President Reagan, Rehnquist became the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. -
Immigration Act of 1986
This federal act made it illegal to knowingly hire/recruit illegal immigrants, as well as legalizing certain groups of immigrants. -
"Tear down this wall!"
This speech by President Reagan was aimed at Soviet leader Gorbachev, with the goal of having the Berlin wall removed. -
The Palestine Liberation Organization was recognized by the United States as a terrorist organization. -
INF Agreement
The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty was an agreement between the USA and USSR, which was aimed at removing all nuclear and non-nuclear missiles in both nations. -
"Read my lips, no new taxes."
After accepting the Republican nomination for US President, George H. W. Bush made this bold promise in a speech. -
This organization was initially formed to counter the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, but later became a terrorist organization. -
Osama bin Laden
This man was the founder and first General Emir of al-Qaeda. -
Citizens United
This political organization that pushes a primarily conservative agenda. -
Moral Majority
This conservative Christian political party disbanded in 1989. -
George H. W. Bush
Republican nominee George H. W. Bush was elected President of the United States. -
Tienanmen Square
In this part of Beijing, students lead various protests against their government and were massacred by the Chinese military with automatic rifles and tanks. -
Panama Invasion
This invasion, under the Bush Administration, was aimed at removing the Panamanian dictatorship. -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
In November, the Berlin Wall began its demolishment process. -
Lech Walesa
This man was elected the President of Poland. -
Persian Gulf War
This short war was lead by the US and some US allies against Iraq due to Iraq's annexation of Kuwait. -
Americans with Disabilities Act
This civil rights law prohibits employers from discriminating against Americans with disabilities during the hiring process. -
Computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee invents the World Wide Web, making the Internet accessible to many. -
Boris Yeltsin
This man became the first president of Russia after the dissolution of the USSR. -
Clarence Thomas
This man, nominated by President Bush, became Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. -
Nuclear Proliferation
After many difficult years of mutually assured destruction, the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty was negotiated between the USA and USSR to lower nuclear proliferation. -
Thanks to the invasion of Kuwait and the Gulf War, Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction programs became a great concern for the Bush Administration. -
Breakup of the Soviet Union
The USSR finally dissolved, granting self-governing powers to the many bodies under its umbrella. -
Ross Perot
This man ran an independent presidential campaign, and although he did not become President, his independent campaign was one of the strongest in US history. -
"Ethnic Cleansing"
This phrase became the popular term to describe the persecution of an ethnic group after an ethnic cleansing of Croatians and Bosnian Muslims occurred in Bosnia-Herzegovina. -
Start I and II
The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty was ratified between the USA and USSR to limit and reduce the number of offensive arms and ban MIRVs on ICMBs for both nations. -
Bill Clinton
Democratic candidate Bill Clinton became the President of the United States. -
Failure of Health Reform (1990's)
The Clinton administration proposed a universal healthcare plan for all American citizens, but it failed after public backlash. -
Deficit Reduction Budget
This federal act raised several taxes, as well as Social Security benefits. -
Al Gore
This politician and environmentalist was elected Vice President. -
Saddam Hussein
This man became the Prime Minister and President of Iraq, and would go on to cause massive international havoc. -
"Don't ask, don't tell"
This military service policy, enacted by the Clinton Administration, prevented service members from both asking and disclosing sexual orientation. -
The North American Free Trade Agreement is an agreement between Canada, Mexico, and the US allowing free trade between the nations. -
Brady Bill
This federal act required that background checks be performed on those who attempt to buy firearms. -
Contract with America
This document, written during a Congressional election, listed the actions Republicans would take if they became the majority in the House. -
This militia faction rose to prominence during the Afghan Civil War. -
Newt Gingrich
This man became Speaker of the House, and remained in this position for 4 years. -
Oklahoma City Bombing
This terrorist attack orchestrated by two Americans resulted in 168 deaths, 680 injuries, and a destroyed building. -
The World Trade Organization was formed under the Marrakesh Agreement. -
Welfare Reform
This federal act was designed to negate the need for welfare checks by assisting "needy" families, families with dependent children, and by providing job training. -
Madeleine Albright
Under the Clinton Administration, Albright became the first woman Secretary of State. -
This inter-governmental political forum was formed with Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the UK, the US, and the EU. -
Kyoto Accord
This international treaty sees that the nations that signed it reduce greenhouse gas emissions. -
Clinton Impeachment
President Bill Clinton, charged with perjury and obstruction of justice, was impeached. -
Bush v. Gore
This Supreme Court ruling settled an illegal voting issue in Florida, which resulted in George W. Bush winning 25 electoral votes. -
Bush Tax Cuts
This series of tax cuts was executed by the W. Bush Administration, and they extended into the Obama Administration. -
George W. Bush
Republican nominee George Walker Bush was elected President. -
No Child Left Behind
This federal act created a standards-based education reform. -
This terrorist attack by al-Qaeda resulted in the destruction of several large buildings, 2,996 deaths, and over 6,000 injuries. -
The monetary union of the European Union came into full effect 3 years after being established, making the euro the official currency of 19 nations. -
Homeland Security
This federal department was formed as a response to 9/11, and is dedicated to anti-terrorism and other forms of public security. -
"Axis of Evil"
This term was used by President W. Bush to describe terrorist governments. -
Operation Iraqi Freedom
This US invasion of Iraq occurred without any declaration of war. -
Abu Ghraib Prison
This prison became infamous for the human rights violations that occurred in it, committed by the US Army and CIA. -
West Bank and the Gaza Strip
Israel removed all its forces in the Gaza Strip, removing their settlements as well. -
Hurricane Katrina
This incredibly destructive tropical storm raged along the Gulf coast for eight days, killing 1,245 people. -
Housing Bubble
This economic "real estate bubble" resulted in housing prices peaking and then declining to record lows, -
Sarah Palin
This woman became the Governor of Alaska. -
Great Recession
This massive economic recession was the worst recession since the Great Depression, and was particularly devastating the real-estate market. -
Bosnia and Kosovo
Kosovo seceded from Bosnia and Herzegovina, which the central government of Bosnia and Herzegovina refused to recognize. -
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
These government-sponsored enterprises were placed into conservatorship. -
John McCain
This Republican nominee for President lost to Democrat Barack Obama. -
D.C. v. Heller
This Supreme Court case ruled that the federal capital's handgun ban and other firearm restrictions were unconstitutional. -
Sonia Sotomayor
This woman became the first Latina to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. -
Hillary Clinton
This woman, who was previously the First Lady, became the Secretary of State. -
Barack Obama
This man was the first black President. -
Tea Party
This conservative Republican movement calls for lower taxes and reduction of the national debt. -
Dodd-Frank Act
This federal act improved financial stability and consumer protection. -
Affordable Care Act
This federal act, nicknamed "Obamacare," was an attempt to improve the affordability of healthcare. -
Arab Spring
This wave of revolutions occurred in North Africa and the Middle East, resulting in multiple civil wars and governments being overthrown. -
Debt Ceiling
Republicans in Congress wanted to raise the debt ceiling via deficit reduction, but this resulted in a fall of the federal government's credit rating. -
Syrian Civil War
This civil war erupted in Syria during the Arab Spring, and continues to this day. -
Mitt Romney
This man was the Republican nominee for President, which he lost to Barack Obama. -
John Kerry
This Democrat served as the Secretary of State. -
Boston Marathon Bombing
This attack, executed with two homemade bombs, resulted in three deaths and several hundred injuries. -
Shelby County v. Holder
This Supreme Court case ended with the ruling that the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was unconstitutional. -
Same-Sex Marriage
In the Supreme Court case Obergefell v. Hodges, the Supreme Court ruled that same-sex marriage was legal in all states.