APUSH Forrest Gump Timeline (P8&9)

  • Elvis Presley

    Elvis Presley
    In 1954, Forrest Gump invents the popular dance known as Elvis' dance. Later in 1956, Elvis presents the dance on national tv. He is later told that he cannot be moving his hips in front of many individuals.
    Elvis dancing
  • Desegregation of the University of Alabama

    Desegregation of the University of Alabama
    President at the time, John F. Kennedy ordered national guards to force George Wallace, Governor of Alabama, out of the way as he was protesting in front of the school after three black students wanted to attend. JFK soon ended the segregation.
    Gov Wallace speaking
    Key Concept 8.2 I B
  • All American Football meets President JFK

    All American Football meets President JFK
    All American football team of the University of Alabama meets JFK this including Forrest Gump. This is an honor to many sports teams. President Kennedy had the chance to meet many sports teams that were all american.
  • Assassination of President John F. Kennedy

    Assassination of President John F. Kennedy
    Forrest Gump talk about the time he met President Kennedy and how it was a tragic death. The death of John F. Kennedy came as a shock to everyone. It made the country fear the future as they didn't know what they would do without their president. They felt scared and unsafe.
    newscast of JFK death
    Key Concept 8.2 I C
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    Forrest Gump joins the Vietnam War. This demonstrates when the United States enters the Vietnam War. They entered the war in order to prevent the world from falling under the influence of communism.
    Forrest Gump Vietnam War song
    Key Concept 8.1 II B
  • The Hippie Movement

    The Hippie Movement
    In the movie, Jenny is seen dressed as a hippie. During the 1960s more and more individuals wanted to join this movement. Not only did this counterculture group bring peace and love, but it also came with drugs which soon became a huge problem for Americans.
    Key Concept 8.3 II A
    Montage of protests
  • The Black Panther Party

    The Black Panther Party
    This organization was an African-American organization that was established in order to promote black-power and self-defense. This was demonstrated through acts of social agitation.
    Key Concept 8.2 III D
  • Moon Landing

    Moon Landing
    Starting the 1950s, the competition between countries increased. They had new technological advances that drove the competition all the way to space. In the early beginnings there was the space race, some time after man kind went to the next level and landed on the moon.
    moon landing
    Key Concept 8.1 I B
  • John Lennon and Peace

    John Lennon and Peace
    The deceased founder of The Beatles appeared in the movie as a guest star in an interview along with Forrest. John Lennon was an activist and was a part of the peace movement. He protested against the Vietnam War and so did many others that listened. The peace movement did work and many individuals were able to gather on the second Vietnam Moratorium Day. Lennon will be remembered by his legendary ideas and as a successful peace activist.
  • Ping Pong Diplomacy

    Ping Pong Diplomacy
    In Forrest Gump, Forrest became famous table ping pong player. It is shown that he becomes so famous that he travels to China to compete. This part in the movie is/can be a reference to the Ping Pong Diplomacy which was executed when China hosted a ping-pong team from the US.Though soon it led to eased tensions and diplomacy between the countries
    Forrest playing ping pong
    Key Concept 8.1 I C
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    While spending the night at the Watergate complex, Forrest makes a call to complain about the flashing lights that were shining into his room. Turns out that was a robbery. This moment was relating to the robbery at the office of the National Democratic Committee as they were wire tapping phones and stealing documents also know as the Watergate Scandal.
    Reagan resigns
    Key Concept 8.2 III E
  • Hurricane Carmen

    Hurricane Carmen
    This hurricane was mentioned in the movie as the storm that destroyed everything in its path but Forrest's boat. Hurricane Carmen was a category 4 storm, lasted about 11 days. This storm reached across the Mexican Yucatan Peninsula and cutting across Louisiana
  • Outbreak of HIV/AIDS Virus

    Outbreak of HIV/AIDS Virus
    When Jenny finally meets Forrest again, it turns out she's "sick". What she doesn't tell Forrest is that it's AIDS. During the year of 1981, AIDS became identified and one of the first cases was identified among gay men in the United States.