Period 7

By benab01
  • Mahan's Idea for a navy

  • Period: to

    Spanish American War

  • McKinley makes Hawaii a territory

  • USS Maine sinks in Havana

  • The US gives Cuba Independence

  • Open Door Policy

  • Period: to

    Philippine-American War

    America Wins and takes the Philippines
  • US Begins Panama Canal.

  • Big Stick Diplomacy

    Continuation of Monroe Doctorine
  • Panama Canal Opens

  • Period: to

    Archduke gets killed, WW1 begins

  • Germans sink the Lusitania

  • Espionage Act

  • America Declares War on Germany

  • The Sedition Act

  • The RedScare

  • The 18th Amendment is ratified

  • The 19th Amendment is ratified