• 13th Amendment abolished slavery

  • K.K.K.

  • Defined Citizenship for African Americans

  • first African American senator

  • Jim Crow Laws

  • Civil Right cases

  • Lynch Mobs


  • Period: to

    The Great Migration

  • First Segregated Church

  • The Great Depression

  • The Scottsboro Trial

  • Jackie Robinson breaks color barrier in baseball

  • Brown v The Board of Education

  • Desegregation in first high school

  • Ruby Bridges attended an all-white school

  • MLK Speech "I Have A Dream:

  • Birmingham Bombing

  • March in Washington

  • Civil Rights Acts makes discrimination illegal

  • Thurgood Martial becomes first African American supreme court justice

  • MLK assassinated

  • Obama First African American President

  • Black Lives Matter founded