Grand theft Auto 3
GTA 3 was one of the first open world games that spanned a large area with the freedom to explore in nonlinear game play. This was the first GTA game in 3D, as previous versions were all in an overhead 2D aspect. This game received much press due to its overly violent, profane and sexual nature. Despite all of its negative press, the game was still one of the best-selling games of the year and received much critical acclaim. -
Halo is a first person shooter for the original Xbox console. While so many first person shooters have come before and after Halo, and continue to be popular, what sets Halo apart from the rest of the pack was its completely original story, characters and creatures coupled with its online gameplay where gamers could play against other players from all over the world in a set of different games with different rules and objectives. While this was not the first online game ever made, it made first -
Splinter Cell
Splinter Cell was an entirely new type of spy story game where the primary objective of missions was to use stealth the achieve objectives. Where previous games had overly relied on fast paced action and shoot em up type gameplay, Splinter Cell relied almost completely on the idea of maneuvering its levels without alerting any of the enemies. This type of gameplay has now become more popular in many games since, with many developers opting to find a good mix of gun shooting action and stealth. -
Xbox 360
The Xbox 360 was Microsoft’s second entry into the video game console industry. It boasted 1080P visuals, a detachable hard drive for easy transportation, and a triple core IBM CPU. It initially used dedicated memory units, which were unpopular due to cost and the inability to be used with other hardware. To combat this, Microsoft implemented a software update which made it possible to use USB flash drives for game and content storage. The Xbox 360 uses 2.4Ghz wireless controllers powered by 2 A -
Nintendo Wii
Nintendo’s release of the Wii gaming console was game changing in the video game industry for several reasons. The Wii introduced motion controlled gaming. The Wii’s controller, or Wiimote as it came to be called, could be used to control the game by simply moving the control in front of the television. This new way of gaming made the Wii incredibly popular, drawing new gamers to the console, including seniors and very young children because of its ease of gameplay. Another accessory was the Wii -
The Kinect sensor for Xbox 360 was a big leap forward in the world of motion gaming. The Kinect sensor not only allowed games to be controlled only by body movement without any other controller, but also allowed the console to be controlled and navigated by hand gestures and voice commands. The device also allowed for video chat through the console and many possibilities for fitness based games.