Period 4 timeline

  • Franz Ferdinand - The Spark

    Franz Ferdinand - The Spark
    Franz Ferdinand death was the spark of WW1. He died at sarajevo, Bosnia on June 28 1914. After Austria- Hungary declares war on serbia.
  • World war 1

    World war 1
    WW1 also know as the ( Great War ) started in 1914 after the assanation of Archduke Frank Ferdihand. His murder catpulted into a war across Europe .
  • World War 2

    World War 2
    Sparked by the 1939 Nazi invasion of Poland. The war continued for 6 years until Allies defeated Axis powers of Germany.
  • Hitler appointed German Leader

    Hitler appointed German Leader
    Adolf Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany and Later assumes dictorial power.
  • Soviet Union invades Poland

    Soviet Union invades Poland
    Working in concert with Hitler, Soviet leader oseph stalin orders the invasion of poland, seccuring a share of polish territory.
  • US first sea battle win

    US first sea battle win
    British cruisers defeat a german pocket battleship at the battle of the river plate, the first major naval engadement of world war 1.
  • Norway Invaded

    Norway Invaded
    Germany invades Norway, ending a 6 month period of limited land operations called the " phony war ".
  • World war 1 ending

    World war 1 ending
    WW1 ended in 1918 November 11th, Finally the fighting was over after 4 years, Although fighting continued elsewhere, armistice between Germany and the Allies was the first step of WW1 ending.
  • Miracle of dunkirk

    Miracle of dunkirk
    The Trapped British Army evacuates to England or Dunkirk, France to fighting another day.
  • Paris falls to Nazis

    Paris falls to Nazis
    Paris was taken over by German forces
  • Blitz ( German, Great Britin )

    Blitz ( German, Great Britin )
    German bombers targt maor cities in Great britiin and northern ireland, killing over 40,000 civillians and destroying over a million homes.
  • Britian fights for its life

    Britian fights for its life
    The Battl eof Britian pits British bombers against british fighters in a thatwerd German Prelude to invasion.
  • Hitler Launches opertion barborossa

    Hitler Launches opertion barborossa
    Opening what will become the bloodiest front of World War II, massive german armies invade the solviet union
  • U.S plunged into war

    U.S plunged into war
    Japan attacks Pearl Harbor, starting war with the US, sensing weakness, Hitler declares war on America 4 days later.
  • Battle of midway

    Battle of midway
    Japenese expansion in the pacific is thwarted near midway island, as US dive bombers sink four japenese aircraft carriers
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Treaty of Versailles was a peace treaty signed on 28 June 1919. As most important treaty of World War 1. The treaty subjected Germany to strict punitive measures.