Period 4 timeline

  • Period: Feb 17, 1301 to

    Ottomon empire

    an islamic russian empire that expanded deep into russia. was an amazing millitary force.
  • Mar 4, 1394

    prince henry the navigator

    portuguese prince who was responsible for some of the early european exploration. he started to explore the african coast wich was unknown to the europeans at the time.
  • Feb 16, 1400

    beginning of portuguese slave trade

    portuguese capture 12 slaves and that begins the whole atlantic slave trade. portuguese started it many years before the others joined in
  • Period: Mar 30, 1432 to May 3, 1481

    reign of mehmed the conquerer

    was sultan of ottoman empire twice. he conquered constantinople at age 21
  • Feb 11, 1483

    martin luther

    started the protestant reformation. made 95 thesis thing that listed changes for the church. believed you could still connect to god even when alone by reading the bible
  • Oct 10, 1487

    dias voyage into indian ocean

    headed along the west coast of africa. the voyage lasted 16 months.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    columbus' first voyage

    gold glory and god. three things most explorers columbus included searched for. he discovered the americas and called the natives indians thinking himself in india
  • Feb 16, 1509

    john clavin

    french theologian and pastor during the protestant reformation. formed calvinism.
  • Period: Sep 30, 1520 to Sep 7, 1566

    reign of suleyman the magnificent

    longest reigning sultan of the ottoman empire. he headed over the military and personally led them into battle.
  • Period: Feb 17, 1526 to

    Mughal dynasty

    ruled most of india. founded by a turkic prince. lasted till around the mid 19th century
  • Feb 16, 1534

    foundation of the society of jesus

    founded by an ingured man in 1534. the men were called jesuits.
  • Dec 13, 1545

    council of trent

    council of the catholic church. helped revise the church and make peace with protestants
  • Period: Feb 16, 1556 to

    reign of akbar

    was only 14 years old when he suceeded his father. he was a noble and ambitous commander, who built the largest army in the entire history of the mughal empire
  • Feb 17, 1564

    galileo galilei

    famous scientist in the enlightenment. invented the telescope, and discovered mountains onn the moon. discovered sunspots.
  • Period: Feb 17, 1572 to Feb 17, 1582

    reign of emporer wanli

    the emporer of the ming dynasty who acended the throne at age nine. for the first ten years of his life he had help from a man called zhang. after zhang died wanli took total control of the government and stopped many conflicts.
  • john locke

    english philosopher. regarded as the father of classical liberalism.
  • Period: to

    Qing dynasty

    aka the manchu dynasty. an enormous project of imperial expansion. surprisingly a foriegn and nomadic origin of itself
  • peace of westphalia

    a series of peace treaties that ended the thirty year war. the signing of the treaties lasted till october 1648
  • establishment of the first colony in australia

    the british were the first to establish a colony on this slightly ignored continent. it started out as a colony for banished convicts.
  • hatian revolution

    slave revolt in french colony. culminated the end of slavery there
  • end of the brittish slave trade

    an act of parliment abolished slave trade, but not slavery itself. many thought that slavery would die out with the act. it was not until 26 years later that it finally ended