Period 3 Timeline

  • Period: 529 to 565

    Justinian’s Codification of Roman Law

  • 605

    Completed Construction of the Grand Canal

  • 1000

    The Composition of The Tale of Genji by Murasaki Shikibu

  • Period: 1000 to

    Rapid Population Growth in Medieval Europe

  • 1024

    Government Issued Printed Paper Money in China

  • 1050

    Invention of Reusable Movable Type in China

  • Period: 1211 to 1368

    Mongolian Rule in China

  • 1345

    Mexica Settlement at Lake Texcoco

  • 1400

    Devotions to the Aztec God Huitzilopochtli

  • 1400

    Emergence of Iroquois Nations from Owasco Society