Period: 527 to 565
Reign of Justinian
Period: 570 to 632
Life of Muhammad
Period: 589 to 618
Sui Dynasty in China
Period: 618 to 907
Tang Dynasty in China
Muhammad's hajj
Period: 661 to 750
Umayyad Dynasty
Period: 669 to 935
Silla Dynasty in Korea
Period: 670 to 1025
Kingdom of Srivijaya
Period: 710 to 794
Nara Period in Japan
Conquest of Sind by Umayyad forces
Period: 726 to 843
Iconoclastic Controversy
Battle of Tours
Period: 750 to 1258
Abbasid Dynasty
Period: 768 to 814
Reign of Charlemagne
Period: 801 to 900
Missions of St. Cyril and St. Methodius to the Slavs
Period: 850 to 1267
Chola Kingdom
Period: 889 to 1431
Kingdom of Angkor
Period: 960 to 1279
Song Dynasty in China
Conversion of Prince Vladimir of Kiev to Christianity
Beginning of population growth in Pacific Islands
Period: 1000 to 1200
Kingdom of Ghana
Period: 1000 to 1400
Swahili cities
First issuance of government-sponsored paper money in China
Seljuq control over the Abbasid Dynasty
Schism between Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches
Norman invasion of England
Battle of Manzikert
Period: 1096 to 1099
First Crusade
Beginning of two-way voyages between Hawai'i and Tahiti and the Marquesas islands
Period: 1100 to 1400
Kingdom of Zimbabwe
Period: 1100 to 1500
Christian Kingdon of Axum
Collapse of the Toltec Empire
Period: 1185 to 1333
Kamakura Period in Japan
Period: 1200 to 1400
Mali Empire
Period: 1202 to 1204
Fourth Crusade
Period: 1206 to 1526
Sultanate of Delhi
Period: 1206 to 1227
Reign of Chinggis Khan
Period: 1211 to 1234
Mongol conquest of northern China
Period: 1219 to 1221
Mongol conquest of Persia
Period: 1225 to 1274
Life of St. Thomas Aquinas
Period: 1237 to 1241
Mongol conquest of Russia
Inca settlement near Cuzco
Mongol capture of Baghdad
Period: 1264 to 1279
Mongol conquest of southern China
Period: 1264 to 1294
Reign of Kublai Khan
Period: 1271 to 1295
Marco Polo's trip to China
Period: 1279 to 1368
Yuan Dynasty
Construction of fishponds in Hawai'i
Period: 1300 to
Kingdom of Congo
Period: 1304 to 1369
Life of Ibn Batuta
Period: 1324 to 1325
Mansa Musa's pilgrimage to Mecca
First outbreak of bubonic plague in China
Period: 1336 to 1565
Kingdom of Vijayanagar
Foundation of Tenochtitlan by the Mexica
Period: 1368 to
Ming Dynasty
Emergence of the five Iroquois nations
Period: 1405 to 1433
Zheng He's expeditions in the Indian Ocean
Period: 1440 to 1469
Reign of Aztec ruler Motecuzoma I
Ottoman capture of Constantinople