Period 3

By jcraig2
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    This treaty marked the end of the Revolutionary War.
  • End of French and Indian War

    End of French and Indian War
    The end of the French and Indian War was officially over when Spain, France, and Great Britain signed the Treaty of Paris.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre of 1770 was what started as a riot which then moved into a brawl between colonists and a lone British soldier. This quickly escalated into a bloody massacre when British soldiers opened fire killing colonists. This led to energized anti-British sentiment and "taxation without representation."
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    The Battle of Bunker Hill was fought early in the Revolutionary War where the colonials found out that the British were sending troops from Boston to occupy the hill surrounding the city. The British ended up winning and the colonials suffered mass amounts of casualties, but this gave the colonials a confidence boost going into the next encounter.
  • Treaty of Alliance

    Treaty of Alliance
    The Treaty of Alliance was a defensive alliance between France and the United States. This treaty required that neither France nor the United States make a separate peace with Great Britain.