APUSH - Period 2 Kessinger

  • Jamestown founded by the English

    Jamestown founded by the English
    Founded at Virginia 13 yrs before Plymouth Pilgrims
  • Quebec founded by the French

    Quebec founded by the French
  • African slaves first sold in Jamestown

    African slaves first sold in Jamestown
  • Plymouth founded by English Pilgrims

    Plymouth founded by English Pilgrims
  • Mayflower Compact Signed

    Mayflower Compact Signed
  • New Amsterdam founded by the Dutch

    New Amsterdam founded by the Dutch
    Founded by the Dust West India Company
  • Maryland founded by Lord Baltimore as a haven for English Catholics

    Maryland founded by Lord Baltimore as a haven for English Catholics
  • John Peter Zenger acquitted in a trail for libel

    John Peter Zenger acquitted in a trail for libel
  • Rhode Island Founded

    Rhode Island Founded
    Founded by Roger Williams for religious freedom
  • Fundamental Orders of Connecticut signed

    Fundamental Orders of Connecticut signed
  • English Civil War Began

    English Civil War Began
  • Halfway Covenant in Massachusetts

    Halfway Covenant in Massachusetts
  • Carolina colony founded by England

    Carolina colony founded by England
    Named after Charles the 2nd
  • The English capture New Amsterdam and renamed it New York

    The English capture New Amsterdam and renamed it New York
  • King Philip's War in Massachusetts

    King Philip's War in Massachusetts
    Fought between the Wamapoag Indians with their leader, King Philip, and the English settlers,
  • Bacon's Rebellion in Virginia

    Bacon's Rebellion in Virginia
  • Pueblo Indian Revolt (Pope's Rebellion) in Mexico

    Pueblo Indian Revolt (Pope's Rebellion) in Mexico
  • Pennsylvania founded by William Penn as a haven for English Quakers

    Pennsylvania founded by William Penn as a haven for English Quakers
  • LaSalle claimed the Mississippi River Valley for France

    LaSalle claimed the Mississippi River Valley for France
  • The Glorious Revolution

    The Glorious Revolution
  • John Locke wrote Second Treaties on Government

    John Locke wrote Second Treaties on Government
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
  • Queen Anne's War Began

    Queen Anne's War Began
  • The French establish New Orleans

    The French establish New Orleans
  • Spanish found San Antonio Texas

    Spanish found San Antonio Texas
  • Beginning of the First Great Awakening

    Beginning of the First Great Awakening
  • Benjamin Franklin published Poor Richard's Almanack

    Benjamin Franklin published Poor Richard's Almanack
  • War of Jenkin's Ear

    War of Jenkin's Ear
  • Stono slave rebellion in South Carolina

    Stono slave rebellion in South Carolina
  • King George's War Began

    King George's War Began
  • Georgia Established

    Georgia Established
    Became royal colony
  • Albany Plan of Union

    Albany Plan of Union
  • French and Indian War began

    French and Indian War began