Period: 800 BCE to 388 BCE
Era of the Classical Greek Polis
Period: 600 BCE to 500 BCE
Period: 563 BCE to 483 BCE
Life of the Buddha
Period: 558 BCE to 530 BCE
Reign of Cyrus the Achaemenid
Period: 558 BCE to 530 BCE
Reign of Cyrus the Achaemenid
Period: 551 BCE to 479 BCE
Period: 521 BCE to 486 BCE
Reign of Darius
Period: 521 BCE to 486 BCE
Reign of Darius
509 BCE
Establishment of the Roman Republic
Period: 500 BCE to 479 BCE
Persian Wars
Period: 470 BCE to 399 BCE
Life of Socrates
Period: 431 BCE to 404 BCE
Peloponnesian War
Period: 430 BCE to 347 BCE
Life of Plato
Period: 403 BCE to 221 BCE
Period of Warring States
Period: 359 BCE to 336 BCE
Reign of Philip II of Macedon
Period: 336 BCE to 323 BCE
Reign of Alexander the Great
Period: 334 BCE to 330 BCE
Invasion and Conquest of the Achaemenid Empire by Alexander of Macedon
Period: 334 BCE to 330 BCE
Invasion and Conquest of the Achaemenid Empire by Alexander of Macedon
327 BCE
Invasion of India by Alexander the Great
Period: 321 BCE to 185 BCE
Mauryan Dynasty
Period: 300 BCE to 200 BCE
Spread of Buddhism and Hinduism to Southeast Asia
Period: 298 BCE to 238 BCE
Period: 268 BCE to 232 BCE
Reign of Ashoka
Period: 221 BCE to 207 BCE
Qin Dynasty
220 BCE
Collapse of the Han Dynasty
Period: 206 BCE to 9
Han Dynasty (Early)
Period: 100 BCE to 1 CE
Civil War in Rome
Period: 100 BCE to 1 CE
Introduction to Buddhism in China
Period: 46 BCE to 44 BCE
Rule of Julius Caesar
Period: 31 BCE to 14
Rise of Augustus
Period: 1 CE to 270
Kushan Empire in Northern India and Central Asia
Period: 25 to 220
Han Dynasty (Late)
Period: 66 to 70
Jewish War
Period: 224 to 651
Sasanid Dynasty
Period: 313 to 337
Reign of Constantine
Period: 320 to 550
Gupta Dynasty
Collapse of the Roman Empire