Period 2 Timeline

  • Period: to

    Period 2

  • Jameston Colony

    Jameston Colony
    Wahunsonacook ( King Powhatan) forges an alliance with Jamestown colonists and their leader, John Smith.
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    When Virginia was turned into a royal colony, property-owning colonists continued to elect representatives to the House of Burgesses.
  • Plymouth

    Plymouth colony was settled by Pilgrims who drafted the first document of self-government in North America, the Mayflower Compact.
  • Headright System is enforced

    Headright System is enforced
    Companies started to award wealthy colonists who transported workers from England on their on costs with large plantations.
  • The Massachusetts Bay Company

    The Massachusetts Bay Company
    A group of wealthy Puritans established this company and ruled over the colony of Massachusetts.
  • Maryland

    A proprietary colony given to George and Cecilius Calvert by King Charles I (substantial Catholic minority).
  • John Winthrope

    John Winthrope
    Winthrope justifies taking land from natives by saying that the natives haven'y used it properly. This ideology soon leads to the Pequot War, the first major conflict experienced by the Massachusetts colony.
  • Pequot War

    Pequot War
    The Pequot War was fought over control of land and the fur trade between the English and Pequot Indians. The Pequots lost the war.
  • Ann Hutchinson gets banned

    Ann Hutchinson got banned from a Purtian Community in Massachusetts, because she was trying to teach her ways of religion in a very strict Purtian Society.
  • Navigation Acts

    Navigation Acts
    The British Parliament passed the Navigation Acts to stop the colonies from trading with other countries except for Great Britian.
  • King Phillip's War

    King Phillip's War
    King Phillip's War was a conflict in New England between the colonists and various Indian tribes over the colonist's land encroachment. Metacom, also known as King Phillip, was the leader of the Pokanokets. He was also the decision maker of all the military advancements onto the Britsh.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    Former indentured servants, led by Nathaniel Bacon, violently attacked Indians in Virginia in protest against Virginia governor, Sir William Berkeley.
  • Quakers Come to America

    Quakers Come to America
    After William Penn recieved a large mass of land from King Charles to repay what he owed his father, he intended to create a place for the members of Society of Friends, also known as the Quakers. Quakers are a religious group of people that believe in tolerance and pacifism.
  • Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution
    News of political turmoil in England reached the colonies and colonists started to retaliate against their own governement in order to go back to their ways of self-governing.
  • Slave Codes Established

    Slave Codes Established
    Laws that were passed, mostly in the southern coloines, to ensure that the position of slaves was definite. The codes also documented the denial of basic rights to slaves,
  • Great Awakening

    Great Awakening
    The Great Awakening was a time period when there was a wide spread revival of religion.
  • Stono Rebellion

    Stono Rebellion
    The Stono Rebllion was an uprising led by African Americas living in the South Carolina colony trying to escape to freedom. It was the biggest uprsing prior to the American Revolution, and many slaves died.
  • Sources
