Period 2 timeline

  • King James I comes into power

  • Jamestown is founded

  • House of Burgesses is founded

    The first example of self government in the colonies.
  • Introduction of slavery

    The Dutch brought the first African slaves to Virginia.
  • Plymouth colony is founded

    British citizens founded Plymouth to find religious freedom. They came over on the Mayflower. The Mayflower compact was created. It was the second form of self government in the colonies.
  • King James takes over the Virginia colony

    The Virginia colony had become bankrupt, so King James revoked their charter and took over the Virginia colony.
  • King Charles I takes the throne

  • King James I dies

  • Puritans gain a royal charter

    A group of Puritans gained a royal charter for the Massachusetts Bay company.
  • Massachusetts Bay colony is founded

    A group of Puritans led by John Winthrop founded Boston and other nearby towns because of a civil war in England. This is often called the Great migration.
  • Virginia colony is subdivided by King Charles I.

    King charles gave control of the new colony to Lord Baltimore. It would eventually become Maryland.
  • Harvard is founded

    Puritans founded the college to give candidates for the ministry a proper theological and scholarly education.
  • Virginia recognizes the enslavement of "lawful" captives

  • Period: to

    New England Confederation

    New England representatives voted to create a small military to deal with problems with the Natives and runaway servants.
  • Rhode island is founded

    Roger Williams created a government that paid Native Americans for their land and allowed Catholics, Quakers, and Jews to worship freely.
  • Act of Toleration

    The protestants that immigrated to Maryland adopted the Act of Toleration to grant religious freedom to all christians. It also called for the death of anyone who denied the divinity of Jesus.
  • New York is founded

    King Charles II gave his brother Duke of York, James II, the lands that would become New York.
  • New Jersey is founded

    James II split New York into New York and New Jersey to make the colonies easier the govern.
  • Bacon's rebellion

    Nathaniel Bacon raised an army of volunteers and raided Native American villages. The Jamestown governor accused Bacon and his army of rebelling without royal authority. Bacon fought off the governors forces and burned most of Jamestown.
  • New Hampshire is founded

    King Charles II wanted to gain more control over the colonies, so he separated the Massachusetts bay colony and created New Hampshire.
  • Period: to

    The Great Awakening

    The movement made major changes in religion throughout the colonies.
  • Georgia is founded

    The thirteenth and final colonie was founded by britain to protect South Carolina from the threat of Spanish Florida.
  • Benjamin Franklin releases the first Poor Richard's Almanak

  • Stono Rebellion

    About 100 fugitive slaves from South Carolina killed 20 whites on their way to Florida. They were killed when they were captured.
  • "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" is published

    Jonathan Edwards wrote about how God was angry with the sinfulness of humans.