Planetearth1 1

Period 2, Frantz, Richer, Wilson, History of Earth Timeline

  • 5 BYA

    5 BYA
    Our solar system was a swirling mass of gas. Our sun and our planets formed. earth grew larger as gravity pulled in more debris.
  • 4.6 BYA

    4.6 BYA
    Minerals began to form. Earth grew by colliding with other space debris.
  • 4 BYA

    4 BYA
    Our planet is about 50 million times as long as average human life span. Earth is made from layers of sedimentary rock in the Earth's crust
  • 4 BYA Continued...

    4 BYA Continued...
    Amino acid chains occurred.
  • 3.5 BYA

    3.5 BYA
    There were a lot of volcanoes being formed.
  • 3 BYA

    3 BYA
    Bacteria began to grow.
  • 2.2 BYA

    2.2 BYA
    Earth appeared about the same as it does now.
  • 2 BYA

    2 BYA
    Complex prokaryotic cells formed.
  • Between 2 and 1.5 BYA

    Between 2 and 1.5 BYA
    Complex eukaryotic cells formed.
  • 1 BYA

    1 BYA
    Ozonoe formed-protecting organisms from UV rays so they can exist on land. Multicellular life were here
  • 1700's

    Spallanzani’s Experiment- designed an experiment to test that microorganisms formed not from air, but from other microorganisms. He boiled broth in 2 flasks, one sealed and one open. He observed that the sealed flask stayed clear and the open one became cloudy and full of microorganisms.
  • 1800's

    Alexander Oparin: thought that the atmosphere contained ammonia, MH3: Hydrogen gas, water vapor, and compounds made of hydrogen and carbon. When Earth cooled and water vapor condensed into lakes and seas, these simple organic compounds could have entered complex reactions.
    Pasteur’s Experiment- made a curved neck flask that prevented solid particles from coming in. He discovered that with the neck, the liquid was clear and without it, it became cloudy and contaminated with microorganisms.
  • 1900's-Present

    Sidney Fox- gave rise to the first cells.
    Thomas Cech- found a type of chemical catalyst.
    Lynn Margulis- She formulated a theory to explain how symbiotic relationships between organisms and that they are the driving force of evolution.
    Radiometric dating- A method of establishing the age of materials. It uses isotopes to help find how far back something is.
  • 1800's Continued...

    1800's Continued...
    Miller & Urey- created an apparatus based off of Oparin’s hypotheses.
  • 1600's

    Redi's Experiment- described the different developmental forms of flies. Meat was in a jar and in the opened jar, maggots appeared only on the meat that had been exposed. The rotting meat kept away from the flies wouldn't produce new flies. (LIFE CREATES LIFE)
    First Microscopes- Robert Hooke: studied life by using a light microscope. By looking at a piece of cork, he discovered cells. Leeuwenhoek:made microscopes that were simple and tiny with magnification 10X better than Hooke.