
Period 2 Events

By stproch
  • Jamestown Established

    First permanent English settlement
  • Period: to


  • Quebec Established

    First permanent French settlement in the New World. French treated natives with respect
  • New Amsterdamn

    Henry Hudson established New Amsterdamn for the Dutch
  • First Africans

    First Africans came to Virginia as indentured servants
  • Mayflower Arrival

    Mayflower lands at Cap Cod, Massachusetts. People that came over were Puritains and created Mayflower compact
  • Harvard Founded

    First official college in the New World founded in Caimbridge, Massachusetts
  • Printing Press

    First official printing press is set up in Caimbridge Massachusetts
  • Massachusetts Law

    Puritains emphasized importance of education of the Bible and started first tax-supported school. Towns of over fifty families were required to have primary schools for boys and towns over one hundred families were required to prepare boys for college
  • Act of Tolerence

    Calvery persuaded assembly to grant religious freedom to all Christians
  • Rhode Island new laws

    Rhode Island passes a law making slavery illegal
  • Discriminatory Laws

    Law passed that stated Africans were to be treated as life-long slaves while what laborers were set free after a certain number of years
  • House of Burgesses

    Virginian governent attempted to raise the taxes on tobacco so the merchants responded by raising the prices of goods exported
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Sir William Berkley adopted policies that favored the large planters and used dictorial powers to govern. He antagonized backwoods farmers. Bacon and poverish gentlemen rebelled
  • Navigation Act

    Navigation Act of 1663 requires that most imports to the colonies must be transported via England on English ships
  • King Phillip's War

    An Indian cheif of the Wampanoags and his tribe fought English settlers in a brutal war
  • Pennsylvania Law

    Pennsilvania governing body passes law that prohibits slaves from being imported to the colony
  • First Almanack

    Benjamin Franklin's advice was collected into Poor Richard's almanack
  • Zenger Case

    John Peter Zenger was brought to trial for libelously criticising New York's royal governor. He claims he spoke truth and that the truth deserved to be heard. Established freedom of the press
  • Great Awakening

    Jonathan Edwards initiates Great Awakening
  • French and Indian War

    War between the French and Indians in the New World