First attempted English colony founded by Sir Walter Raleigh but disappeared. -
Jamestown, Virginia founded
First permanent settlement. -
Tobacco made a profitable crop found by John Rolfe. -
House of Burgesses
The first elected legislative assembly in the New World but only land owning white males could participate. -
Plymouth Colony founded
The Pilgrims left England to seek religious freedom. -
NewYork founded
Massachusetts Bay founded
Maryland founded
Triangular trade
New World enters transatlantic trade of goods. -
Pequot War
A war in New England between the Pequot tribe and the English colonists with defeat for the Pequot tribe. Ended in 1638. -
Rhode Island and Connecticut founded
New Hampshire and Delaware founded
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
The first “constitution” in colonial America. -
Navigation Acts
Laws passed as measure to supersede Dutch control of international trade. -
North Carolina founded
South Carolina founded
New Jersey founded
King Philip's War
Battle between English colonists and the American Indian with English victory. Ended in 1678. -
Pennsylvania founded
Founded by William Penn, it was the land of the Quakers. -
Toleration Act of 1689
An English law that called for the free worship of most Protestants forced on Massachusetts. -
Salem Witch Trials
People were being accused of witchcraft and killed. -
The Middle Passage
The sea journey taken by slave ships from West Africa to the West Indies. -
Great Awakening start
A Protestant religious movement that helped spur religious tolerance and led to the founding of many universities. -
Georgia founded
Stono Rebellion
A slave uprising in Stono, South Carolina.