Vietnam War
This war was between the north Vietnamese and America and was fought to stop the spread of communism. The US wanted to ensure that south Vietnam wouldn't be taken over. -
Hound dog
Elvis Presley releases his smash hit "Hound Dog" which sold over 10 million copies world wide -
Stand in the school house door
A key moment in civil rights history where the university of Alabama desegregated -
Assassination of JFK
At 12:30 p.m. in Dallas Texas John F Kennedy was shot during a presidential motorcade -
Black Panther movement
In Oakland CA Bobby Seale founded the black panther party. This party fought against social injustice for black people. -
Moon landing
On this day Neil Armstrong became the first american to walk the moon and it was the first successful manned space landing. -
Watergate Scandal
That morning several burglars were arrested at the DNC office and charged for spying on the democratic party for president Nixon so that he could be reelected. -
Nixon resigns as president
On this day Nixon became the first president to resign due to the impeachment charges brought against him stemming from the Watergate scandal he did it all televised. -
Hurricane Carmen
The strongest tropical hurricane from Africa killing 8 people and costing over $160 million dollars. -
AIDs outbreak
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a report of new rare cases of AIDs an incurable virus that was spreading throughout america.