

  • 323

    Death of Alexander the great

    Death of Alexander the great
    Alexander the great became seriously ill with a fever which was called Babylon. Alexander died at an early age of 32 on the 13th of June 323BC. He was buried in a golden coffin which was replased later on with a glass coffin. After Alexander died his half brother Philip III became the king of Macedonia.
  • 447

    Work on the Parthenon begins

    Work on the Parthenon begins
    The Acropolis in Athens was the highest part of Athens, Athens had some of the finest buildings. One of those buildings was the Parthenon. The Greeks started building the Parthenon in 477BC and was completly built in 432BC. The Parthenon took 15 years to build.
  • 460


    Hippocrates was a greek doctor who was the father of medicine, he represented everything that was good in medicine. Hippocrates challenged many physians who had magic and witchcraft that could treat all different diseases. Hippocrates was born in Kos, in 460BC and he died in Kos in 377BC.
  • 470


    Socrates was born near Athens in 470BC and he died in Athens in 399BC. Socrates spent most of his life in Athens. Socrates and his wife Xanthippe had 3 sons. Their family was poor. He was mostly known for his self-control and his pysical comfort. When he was 70, he was charged for not believing in the gods. Socrates was a philosopher, he was the first philosopher to make a clear distintion between body and soul.
  • Jan 1, 1194

    The Trojan War

    The Trojan War
    The Trojan War was lead by Agamemon who was a Greek. The war lasted for ten years from 1194BC to 1184BC. They built the wooden horse to hide inside and take to troy to defeat them. The city of troy was defeated.
  • Pericles

    Pericles was the most powerful person in his state of Athens, he wanted to make Athens the most powerful place in greece, by fighting against Egypt, Boeotia and Aegean islands. Pericles was born in Athens in 495BC and died in 429BC. Pericles belonged to a kind and high-ranking family.
  • Pythagoras

    Pythagoras and his followers tried to see the world through mathematics. Pythagoras is best known for his theorem which was, in a right angled triangle the two shorter sides equals up to the square of the longer side. Pythagoras and his followers also found out that the world isnt flat. Pythagoras was born in Samos Island in 570BC and died in Metapontum in 495BC.