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Perfect Chemistry

  • Senior Year Chapter 5 Page 24

    Senior Year Chapter 5 Page 24
    Brittany was partnered with a gang member named Alex Fuentes not knowing they would become more than chemistry partners.
  • The bet Chapter 8 Page 51 & 52

    The bet Chapter 8 Page 51 & 52
    Alex and Lucky Made a bet that involved Brittany but the bet actually made Alex fall for Brittany
  • The First Kiss

    The First Kiss
    Alex and Brittany became closer and closer and started sharing things that were going on in there life and all their problems at home. Brittany started to trust Alex much better from when they first meet in chemistry class

    Alex and Brittany go to Alex house to work on the chemistry class project. But instead they have their first kiss that is interupted by alex mother. Alex and brittany start developing feeling for eachother.
  • Falling

    Meanwhile Alex falls for Brittany while she’s in a relationship with Colin. But Colin just wants one thing from Brittany. And Brittany is all for Alex now leaving Colin jealous.
  • Gentleman

    When Alex first went to Brittanys house he met her sister for thr first time. He dIdnt judge her for her disability .He saw her as a normal person not someone else.
  • The Wedding Chapter 40-45 Page 242 & 281

    The Wedding Chapter 40-45 Page 242 & 281
    Brittany and Alex go to his family member wedding that causes a lot of drama. Their are so many issues with Alexs mom that Hector beats her up and during the situation Brittany locks herself in the bathroom.
  • Trouble Chapter 40-45 Page 242 & 281

    Trouble Chapter 40-45 Page 242 & 281
    Brittanys mom finds out about the wedding she went to with Alex and she gets in trouble because she wasnt supposed to be out with Alex.
  • Lake Geneva

    Lake Geneva
    Brittanty tells her bestfriend Sierra whats going on with her and Alex.They plan a double date and go to Lake Geneva so no one will catch Brittany with Alex. Alex Didnt really like the trip at first because of the museum but he learned to like the trip Brittany planned.
  • Warehouse

    Alex and hector are talking about what he needs to do for the drug deal. Where he needs to go to pick up everything.
  • Secret

    Paco told Brittany about the drug deal situation Alex was keeping away from her as a secret.
  • The Drug Deal

    The Drug Deal
    Alex has to go on adrug deal that Brittany found out about so brittany distracts him nso that Paco could go do the deal for Alex because Paco knew something bad was going to happen.So Pacxo dies and Alex gets shot trying to help Paco.
  • Broken

    Brittany goes to visit Alex in the hospital after the drug deal. But alex tells Brittany they cannot be together anymore because he doesnt want her involved in the gang and the the whole thing was bet.
  • Healed

    Alex was all healed and out of the hospital. Alex missed school because he didnt want to go back after he got out. But Alex eventually came back to help Brittany with the chemistry project.
  • Finshed

    Alex and Brittany finally get back together at the end. They graduate there last year of highschool together as a couple.
  • Theme

    Love is uncontrolable and you can predict whats going to happen during it.
  • Colorado College Chapter 57 Page 351 & 355

    Colorado College Chapter 57 Page 351 & 355
    Brittany goes to college in Colorado to be closer to her sister Shelley.But when shes goes to see her sister Alex is there. The last person she would ever think to be there.