
per.2,Regensburger,Harnish History of Earth

  • (5BYA) Sun ignites, Solar System Takes shape

    (5BYA) Sun ignites, Solar System Takes shape
    Sun ignites, Solar System takes shape
  • (4.6BYA)

    Earth is a molten core and starts to grow in size by obsorbing space matter.
  • (4BYA)

    Earth Forms, Most cells Have Heterozygous Traits.
  • (3.5BYA)

    Stromatolites Form
  • (3BYA)

    Some forms of life become photosynthetic.
  • (2.2BYA)

    Earth appears as it does today.
  • (2BYA)

    Oxygen levels reached what they are today.
  • (1.5BYA)

    Small aerobic Prokaryites start to live in bigger Prokaryites.
  • (1BYA)

    Ozone Layer Formed, This protected organisms from the harmful UV rays so they could exist on land.
  • 1600's - Present

    1600's - Present
    1600-1700- Redi studied the difference in flys, in 1655 Robert Hooke Built the first usable Microscope.
    1700-1800- Spallenzanni boiled broth and microorganisms in a open flask and a closed flask to find if molecules were in the air.
    1800-1900- Pastur makes a curved neck flask to test if molecules were really in the air or not wich they were not.
    1900-Present- Thomas Cech spliced RNA of a unicellular organism in 1970's, in 1952 Urey and Miller made a experiment that simulated conditions on earth.
  • 1900-Present

    Radioactive Dating- Technique to find the dates of rocks, Fox Researched Physical Structures that may have rised first cells, Lynn Margulis- Early prokaryotic cells may developed a mutually beneficial relationship, Oparin's hypothesis- Many organic compounds could be synthesized with ultraviolet light.