Pepsi Timeline

  • Pepsi Founded

  • Pepsi was created

  • First Logo

    First Logo
  • First Advertisement

  • Second Logo

    Second Logo
  • Third Logo

    Third Logo
  • First Slogan

    "The Original Pure Food Drink"
  • Registered in Canada

  • Registered in Mexico

  • Second Slogan

    "A bully drink...refreshing, invigorating, a fine bracer before a race."
  • Third Slogan

    "Drink Pepsi-Cola. It will satisfy you."
  • Pepsi goes bankrupt

  • Giant candy company Loft, Inc. buys Pepsi-Cola.

  • Registered in Argentina

  • Caleb Bradham, the founder of Pepsi-Cola, dies.

  • Moves operations to Long Island, New York.

  • Registered in Soviet Union

  • Pepsi-Cola elects Walter S. Mack Jr. as its President.

  • Mountain Dew was created

  • Fourth Logo

    Fourth Logo
  • The slogan "Why Take Less When Pepsi's Best?" appears.

  • Fifth Logo

    Fifth Logo
  • Sixth Logo

    Sixth Logo
  • Diet (Zero Sugar) Pepsi was created

  • Introduces Diet Pepsi.

  • Seventh Logo

    Seventh Logo
  • Michael Jackson stars in the first two commercials

  • Lipton Iced Tea teamed up with Pepsi

  • Eighth Logo

    Eighth Logo
  • Starbucks and Pepsi teamed together

  • Pepsi created Aquafina

  • Adds expiration dates to all products.

  • Pepsi acquired Tropicana and Dole

  • Ninth Logo

    Ninth Logo
  • Pepsi acquired Sobe teas and Elixirs

  • Pepsi acquired Gatorade

  • Britney Spears joins the Pepsi family and sings her own version of "Joy of Pepsi."

  • Pepsi acquired Propel

  • Tenth Logo

    Tenth Logo
  • Introduces new brand Pepsi EDGE, with the same taste but half the sugar, carbs and calories of normal colas.

  • Pepsi acquired Naked juice and Izze

  • Pepsi Max was created

  • Pepsi acquired TAZO tea

  • Todays Logo

    Todays Logo