
By fossjp
  • Beginning of Pepsi

    Beginning of Pepsi
    The start of a Big Brand soda company!
  • First Big Logo

    First Big Logo
    Made their first simple logo
  • First Tagline

    First Tagline
    Adds tagline to logo
  • Slogan

    "Drink Pepsi-Cola it will satisfy you"
  • Bottle Caps

    Bottle Caps
    Pepsi has new bottle caps for their metal bottles.
  • Mountain Dew

    Mountain Dew
    Pepsi buys Mountain Dew
  • Pepsi goes Diet

    Pepsi goes Diet
    Less Calories for healthy people
  • New Logo

    New Logo
    New Logo Change
  • Pepsi

    No more Pepsi-Cola just Pepsi
  • Another Logo Change

    Another Logo Change
    A big square logo
  • Iceee

    A great ice and pepsi mix
  • Recent Logo

    Recent Logo
    The logo you see today