

  • Pepsi-Cola

    Pharmacist Caleb Bradham from New Bern, North Carolina changes the name of his carbonated soft drink from Brad's Drink to Pepsi-Cola. The name comes from the two main ingredients pepsin and kola nuts. Year the new name was first used.
  • Selling Syrup

    Selling Syrup
    Bradham moves his operations from his drugstore to a rented warehouse where he sells 7,968 gallons of syrup in just one year. Bradham advertises his drink as: "Exhilarating, Invigorating, Aids Digestion."
  • Moving Company Building

    Moving Company Building
    Bradham purchases the Bishop factory in New Bern for $5,000. He moves all bottling and syrup operations to there and sales increase to 19,848 gallons.
  • New Logo

    New Logo
    Pepsi-Cola has a new logo, the first since it's inception back in 1898.
  • Known Worldwide

    Known Worldwide
    Pepsi-Cola trademark is registered in Mexico.
  • Motor-Vehicle Delivery

    Motor-Vehicle Delivery
    Becomes one of the first to go from horse-drawn carts to motor vehicles delivery.
  • Advertising

    Barney Oldfield, automobile racing pioneer, becomes the first celebrity endorser. He appears in newspaper ads.
  • New Slogan/Gaining Supplies

    New Slogan/Gaining Supplies
    Releases a new slogan that appeals to consumers: "Drink Pepsi-Cola. It will satisfy you." Bradham, thinking sugar prices will go higher, buys large stocks of sugar. Sugar drops to two cents per pound.
  • Financial Loss

    Financial Loss
    Pepsi-Cola suffers enormous financial losses due to the sugar market collapse. Bradham borrows money and sells assets and additional stock shares. Only two Pepsi-Cola companies remain open.
  • Bankrupt

    Pepsi-Cola goes bankrupt. Craven Holding Corporation buys its assets for $30,000.
  • Selling Process

    Selling Process
    Begins selling twelve ounce bottles for five cents to counter its competitors who are selling six ounces for the same price.
  • Move Locations

    Move Locations
    Moves operations to Long Island, New York.
  • Target Market

    Target Market
    The theme "Twice As Much for a Nickel" appears in the cartoon strip Pepsi and Peter. Because of this, consumers become more aware of Pepsi-Cola's value advantage.
  • Logo Colors

    Logo Colors
    Changes its logo to red, white, and blue in support of America's war effort. Pepsi-Cola canteen in Times Square, New York, operates throughout World War II. It enables millions of families to record messages to army personnel overseas.
  • New Logo

    New Logo
    New logo has a "bottle cap" look with the tag line "Bigger Drink, Better Taste."
  • Product Change

    Product Change
    Introduces product in a can for the first time.
  • Diet Pepsi

    Diet Pepsi
    Introduces Diet Pepsi.
  • Sponsors

    Becomes the National Football League's Official Soft Drink Sponsor. Introduces the new brand Pepsi Blue with the tag line, "It's a Blue Thing."