People Power Revolution

By minanac
  • Ferdinand Marcos First Elected President

    Marcos and his wife, Imelda, become the first-family, to the delight of many Filipinos who hope for change.
  • Marcos takes office

  • Marcos re-elections

  • First Quarter Storm

  • Battle of Mendiola

  • Constitutional Convention

  • Bombing in Plaza Miranda

  • Arrest of Ninoy Aquino and other senators

  • Marcos declares Martial Law

  • Constitutional Convention

  • Founding of LABAN Party

  • Noise Barrage

  • Aquino Heart attack

  • Marcos Elections

    (Boycotted by opposition)
  • Aquino Assassination

  • Confetti Revolution

  • Marcos Snap Elections

  • Marcos Flees

  • EDSA Uprising