People in 12.1 and 12.2

  • 1543

    Nicolaus Copernicus exploration

    Nicolaus Copernicus exploration
    He was an astronomer
    - became interested in the old greek idea that the sun stood at the same center of the universe
    - after studying planetary movement for 25+ years he found that the stars, earth, and planets revolved around the sun
    - scholars and clergy rejected him because of religious veiws
    - did not publish findings till 1543 because he was scared of being persecuted
    - his book on the revolutions of heavenly bodies- over the next cenrty scientists built on the book.
  • Galileo Galilei exploration

    Galileo Galilei exploration
    quotes- "all truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them."
    major achievements- found that a dutch lens could enlarge objects, which led to seeing the night sky closely.
    important concepts- Jupiter had 4 moons
    -sun had dark spots
    - moon had an uneven surface
  • Francis Bacon exploration

    Francis Bacon exploration
    quotes- " A wise man will make more opptunties then he finds"
    major achievement- his writing got scientist to experiment and draw conclusions which is called empircism
    important concepts- a better understanding of the world will improve people lives
  • Rene Descartes exploration

    Rene Descartes exploration
    Quotes- "It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to ue it well."
    - "I think therefore I am."
    Published materials- discourses on methods (1637)
    -Meditations on 1st Philosophy (1641)
    Major Achievements-
    1) developed analytical geometry
    - this linked algebra and geometry
    - provided important tools for research
    2) developed rules for deductive reasoning (basis of doubt)
    - believed in doubt until proven
  • Thomas Hobbes exploration

    Thomas Hobbes exploration
    Quotes- "war... of every man against every man"
    - "life would be solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short"
    Published Materials- Leviathan (sea monster) (1651
    - De cive (1st political philosophy) (1642)
    Major Achievement -
    1) developed the social contract
    - people gave up rights to ruler
    - gained law and order
    2) had philosophy that monarchy was the best government
    - could impose order/obedience.
  • John Lockes exploration

    John Lockes exploration
    quotes- "the most precious of all possessions is power over ourselves."
    major achievements- his belief of the government needing to protect peoples right and if not it can be over thrown, had a big impact on the modern world.
    important concepts-
    1) people could learn from experience and improve themselves.
    2) all people were free and equal with life, liberty, and property.
  • Voltaire exploration

    Voltaire exploration
    Quotes- "common sense is not so common"
    - "judge a man by his questions rather than his answers"
    Published material- letters philosophies (1734)
    - candide (French satire) (1759)
    major achevements
    1) published more than 70 books
    - political essays, phlosophy, and drama
    - very brilliant and influential
    2) fought for freedom and reasoning
    - " I do not agree with every word you say but will defend your right to say it."
  • Baron de montesquieu exploration

    Baron de montesquieu exploration
    • devoted himself to the study of political liberty
    • belived britiain was best-governed and politicallyblanced counrty
    • he called the division of power among different branches of power
    • his idea was meant to keep individuals groups from having total control the gov- was a big part of "on the spirt of laws" (1748)
    • was called checks and balances
    • his book was appreciated by politicians in British parts of North America and his idea became the basis for the U.S. constitution