Pennsylvana state

Pennsylvania Timeline

  • William Penn is given Pennsylvania

    William Penn is given Pennsylvania
    King Charles the III gives William Penn the land that is now called Pennsylvania.
  • Period: to

    Philadelphia is the U.S. Capital

    Philadelphia serves as the U.S. capital for ten years.
  • Pennsylvania's Statehood

    Pennsylvania's Statehood
    Pennsylvania becomes the 2nd state and was named after William Penn.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    The battle of Gettysburg is fought in Pennsylvania.
  • The Johnstown Flood

    The Johnstown Flood
    The Johnstown flood killed 2,200 people.
  • African Migration

    African Migration
    African Americans from the south move north to begin the Great Migration.
  • Women Vote

    Women Vote
    The Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution grants women the right to vote.
  • The 1st Broadcast

    The 1st Broadcast
    The first broadcast radio station is introduced in Pittsburgh, PA.
  • World War II

    World War II
    World War II starts with fighting and bombs.
  • 1st African American Congressman

    1st African American Congressman
    Robert Nix is elected Pennsylvania’s first African American Congressman.