Pa profile pic


By Bsehr
  • PA Disputed!

    PA Disputed!
    Pennsylvania territory was disputed in early 1614 among the Dutch, the Swedes
  • England gets PA

    England gets PA
    England acquired the region of pennsylvania in April 16th 1615.
  • PA granted to William Penn

    PA granted to William Penn
    in 1681 Pennsylvania was granted to William Penn, a Quaker, by King Charles II. in 1681 Pennsylvania was granted to William Penn, a Quaker, by King Charles II. (Book Fact)!!! Page 132 The PA revolution.
  • Philidelphia Founded

    Philidelphia Founded
    Philidelphia was a big city in PA it was one of the first cities is was founded on October 27th 1682.
  • Religious groups come to PA

    Religious groups come to PA
    Later in about the 1693 puritans came to PA for religious freedom.
    In 1693 Germans started coming to PA cause of religious freedom and and the nice shore and nice trees.
  • PA gets a charter

    PA gets a charter
    (1701) Penn presented Charter of Privileges for Province of PA
  • PA Banns slaves

    PA Banns slaves
    (1712) Pennsylvania Assembly banned importing of slaves for the first time
  • First Library

    First Library
    (1731) Benjamin Franklin opened first U.S. library
  • Independence

    The U.S. signed the delclaration of independence
  • First U.S. capitol

    First U.S. capitol
    Philadelphia was the first capitol of the united states.
  • New Capitol

    New Capitol
    Harrisburg PA became the new capitol.
  • First Phones!

    First Phones!
    Thomas Edison demonstrated telephone at Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia.
  • First protest

    First protest
    national strike in U.S. began in Pittsburgh against Pennsylvania Railroad
  • Fire/Strike

    Fire destroyed state capitol in Harrisburg; coal miners went on strike, police shot 20 people
  • Strike Ended

    Strike Ended
    The people of Harrisburg clean up strike and help with fire damage.
  • 1. Baseball!

    1.	 Baseball!
    (1900) American Baseball League formed in
  • First robery

    First robery
    (1927) First armored car robbery in U.S. in Pittsburgh
  • metiorite!

    1938) 500-ton meteorite landed near Pittsburgh; Crystal Bird Fauset first African American woman elected to a state legislature
  • First polio vacine

    First polio vacine
    (1953) Dr. Jonas Salk, University of Pittsburg, announced successful testing of polio vaccine
  • No more abortions

    No more abortions
    1989) Pennsylvania first state to restrict abortions
  • Shooting

    (2006) Gunman killed students at Amish school; over 200,000 evacuated from homes in Wilkes-Barre area due to flooding
  • Football history

    Football history
    2009) Pittsburgh Steelers won sixth Super Bowl
  • Gamble!

    PA casino gambling legalized
  • Coach fired

    Coach fired
    (2011) Alleged sex abuse scandal at Penn State resulted in firings of several staff, including legendary coach, Joe Paterno
  • Legend dies

    Legend dies
    (2012) Joe Paterno, legendary Penn State football coach, died at 85