Penn State Football

  • National Championship

    Penn State won the national championship in 1982 and 1986. Winning the national championship gives Penn State adverstisment in front of the whole nation and people love to support winning teams. This clearly would boost sales and partnerships.
  • Joins Big Ten Conference

    Joins Big Ten Conference
    Penn State joins the Big Ten Conference and no longer plays as a independent. By joining a conference, Penn State will make more money through Tv deals because more people will be able to watch their games since they will play better teams.
  • Bowl Appearnces

    Bowl Appearnces
    Penn State over the years has gone to 44 bowl games. Every time Penn State goes to a bowl game they get serious national media attention. As well as extra money just for making it to the bowl due to Tv deals.
  • Beaver Stadium Expanded

    Beaver Stadium Expanded
    In 2001 Beaver Statium was expanded and now officially seat 106,000. The increase in seating means that more tickets can be sold for home games which leads to more food and beverages being sold at the statium. The more pople that come to the games the more the local busineses also prosper.
  • Record Attendence

    Record Attendence
    In 2002 Beaver Stadium had a record attendence of 110,753 against Nebraska. At that game the stadium held the 4th largest population in the state. This massive amount of people obviously was huge for ticket sales and concession stand sales as well. Home football games represent a huge part of the local businesses sales.
  • Joe Paterno Fired

    Joe Paterno Fired
    Quickly after the sex abuse scandal broke Penn State thought it was appropriate to fire head coach Joe Paterno. Joe had led the football team to many winning seasons over his 46 as a coach. Since the firing the teams has gone through several coaches and can't really seem something that will last. This turmoil has led to a real lack of support for the team, you can see this in the drop of attendance at home games.
  • Sex Abuse Scandal

    Sex Abuse Scandal
    The Jerry Sandusky sex scandal impacted Penn State and especially Penn State football in a very negative way. The team lost many pertnerships, as well as the publics support. Penn State lost many sponserhips which bring in big money to the program.
  • New Uniforms

    New Uniforms
    In 2012 Penn State changed their uniforms to include the players name on the back of the jersey. This was to honor the players that commited to returning to the program after the sex abuse scandal. The new uniforms were big sellers since they were brand new everyone needed the new ones which would clearly create a boom in sales.
  • NCAA Sanctions

    NCAA Sanctions
    As a result of the Jerry Sandusky sex abuse scandal the NCAA punished Penn State football by taking away scholarships and banning them from 4 bowls games. This is significant because when Penn State plays in bowl games they get national media attention which can definitely boost sales of jerseys and other memorabilia.
  • Dunkin Donuts Partnership

    Dunkin Donuts Partnership
    In 2014 Dunkin Donuts partnered with Penn State Athletics and has special promotions such as free drinks after the football team wins. The partnership brings money to the team.