penitentiary era

  • Inspection House (Panopticon)

    The founder of the British Utilitarianism movement was Jerry
    Bentham. He suggested that laws should be evaluated to ensure that they are ethical and useful. He designed a model prison which was referred to as the "Panopticon".
  • Parole

    Parole began at the end of the 1800s. When it was instituted, many prisoners were already receiving clemency(mercy;lenient ) , pardons and early release for good behavior. Parole began with reformatories but spread to all prisons.
  • Elizabeth Gurney Fry

    Elizabeth Gurney Fry worked to improve the condition for the women who were imprisoned.
  • Eastern State Penitentiary

    Eastern State Penitentiary was built on the outskirts of Philadelphia. Prisoners were in solitary confinement. This model was referred as an isolate system. The solitary confinement and penance would lead to rehabilitation of prisoners. Prisoners were also given a work detail which consisted of handicrafts.
  • Auburn and Sing Sing Penitentiary (Mass Prisons)

    A congregate system was used. A rule of silence was enforced to keep the prisoners from corrupting one another. Strict control and severed discipline were common. Whipping/flogging was common.