Meet with Lauren at Pendleton Place
Gabby and Christine went to meet with Lauren to discuss what she would like to see us do to further promote Pendleton Place. -
Synnex Shares the Magic
Brooke and Christine went and volunteered with Synnex Shares the Magic. This is a silent and live auction event that raises money for Pendleton Place and three other non-profits. -
Arizona's Celebrity Classic Weekend
Start YouTube video
Finish YouTube video
Personal testimony
Chelsea, current intern for Pendleton Place, shared her personal testimony about working at Pendleton Place. -
sent one fact about Pendleton Place to Lauren to use on Twitter -
sent one fact about Pendleton Place to Lauren to use on Facebook -
4th Annual Pendleton Place Benefit Breakfast/ Meet as a group
sent one fact about Pendleton Place to Lauren to use on Twitter -
sent one fact about Pendleton Place to Lauren to use on Facebook -
Present Our Campaign!