Pena vocabulary timeline

  • Drizzle

    the Wednesday wars GARY D. SCHMIDT rain lightly.
  • gene

    the Wednesday wars GARY D. SCHMIDT
    There must be some gene that switches on at the birth of the first born child. P.7
    A gene is the basic physical and functional unit of heredity.
  • presume

    The Wednesday wars by GARY D. SCHMIDT I presume you know the English language well enough or I wouldn't ask you to read Shakespeare." suppose that something is the case on the basis of probability.
  • Red plague

    Red plague
    The Wednesday wars GARY D. SCHMIDT "And turned back to spreading the red plague." (#55) Red plague is an accelerated corrosion of copper when plated with silver. After storage or use in high-humidity environment, cuprous oxide forms on the surface of the parts. The corrosion is identifiable by presence of patches of brown-red powder deposit on the exposed copper.
  • Soaring

    The Wednesday wars Gary D. Schmidt "we can all practice soaring" (#105) definition: fly or rise high in the air.
  • desperate

    The Wednesday wars GARY D. SCHMIDT "There was a moment - this will tell you how desperate I was." feeling, showing, or involving a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal with.
  • faithfulness

    The Wednesday wars GARY D. SCHMIDT "Shakespeare is all about the power of goodness and honesty and faithfulness." Page (171,172) the quality of being faithful; fidelity.
  • hollered

    The Wednesday wars GARY D. SCHMIDT "Keep your arms loose" I hollered." (# 203) Definition: give a loud shout or cry.
  • architectural

    The Wednesday Wars GARY D. SCHMIDT "we are going to survey points of local architectural interest."(page 221) A general term to describe buildings and other physical structures.
  • Faded

    The Wednesday wars GARY D. SCHMIDT

    "...As the flames faded..." (Page 250)
    gradually grow faint and disappear
  • wisdom

    The Wednesday Wars Gary D. SCHMIDT "who brought peace and wisdom to his world" the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise.(page #263)
  • Tattered

    The Haunting of Alaizabel pg 19 - 33 "Tattered and torn and muddied."(Wooding pg 33) definition: old and torn; in poor condition.
  • Fraternity

    The Haunting of Alaizbel Cray - pgs 46 - 67 "The fraternity!" pg 67 definition: a group of people sharing a common profession or interests.
  • immense

    The haunting of Alizabel cray - pages 79 - 101 "An immense stone room" (pg 104) definition: extremely large or great, especially in scale or degree.
  • Dank

    The Haunting of Alizabel Cray pg 107 - 123 "Into the dank throat of wight's stalking ground." (pg 121) definition: disagreeably damp, musty, and typically cold.
  • embedded

    The Haunting of Alizabel Cray - 144 - 177 "mock seemed to have embedded its self" - #177 -fix (an object) firmly and deeply in a surrounding mass.
  • swilling

    The Haunting of Alizabel Cray 196 - 211 ¨Fog swilling around his ankles¨(199) wash or rinse out (an area or container) by pouring large amounts of water or other liquid over or into it.
  • bedraggled

    The Haunting of Alizabel Cray Pg 225 - 249 ¨wet and bedraggled but still strong¨ definition: dirty and disheveled.
  • rampaged

    The Haunting of Alizabel Cray pg 259 - 287 ¨shrieking sound that sawed at the ears as it rampaged closer¨ (pg 187) definition: (especially of a large group of people) rush around in a violent and uncontrollable manner.
  • Praiseworthy

    by the great horn spoon - pg 7 - 39 ¨peering from jack to praise worthy and back again¨ -pg 28 definition: deserving approval and admiration.
  • conferring

    into thin air pg 7 - 30 "...a day later conferring with outside's publisher." (pg 29) have discussions; exchange opinions.
  • disproportionate

    Into Thin Air -pg 38 - pg 57 "A disproportionate number of Sherpas have died on Everest." definition: too large or too small in comparison with something else.
  • debilitating

    into thin air pg 67 - 98 "debilitating foot injuries"(pg 97) definition: (of a disease or condition) making someone very weak and infirm.
  • Dozing

    Into thin air pg 97 - 108 "I was dozing in my sleeping bag" (pg 108) sleep lightly.
  • trumpeted

    into thin air pg 119-153 "...trumpeted campaign" (153) proclaim widely or loudly.
  • accommodate (195)

    accommodate (195)
    into thin air pg 174 - 195 "...accommodate tents for all of us" (pg 195) (of physical space, especially a building) provide lodging or sufficient space for.
  • Radial keratotomy

    Radial keratotomy
    into thin air (pg 205-247)
    "Beck had undergone a Radial keratotomy"(pg 246) Radial keratotomy (RK) is a refractive surgical procedure to correct myopia (nearsightedness) that was developed in 1974, by Svyatoslav Fyodorov, a Russian ophthalmologist.
  • anonymous

    into thin air pg - 246 - 287 "anonymous climber" (pg 287) (of a person) not identified by name; of unknown name.
  • groggily

    into thin air pg 296 - 334 "As I struggled groggily"(pg 331) staggering, as from exhaustion or blows
  • huddling

    into thin air pg 343 - 374 (end) "huddling with his group"(374) crowd together; nestle closely.