The attack of Hickam Airfield where 35 men having breakfast in the mess hall were killed after a direct bomb hit. The smoke rises in the distance and this is the first hit from Japanese bombers. -
The USS Shaw explodes during the Japanese air raid. The ship was still in drydock and getting it's mechanicle check up, so to speak. The Shaw had three bombs hit directly and was abandoned by sailors after many attempts to put out the fire. -
The battleship USS Arizona had a bomb that sank the ship. The explosions killied 1,177 crew men and officers. The ship wasn't salvaged like many of the ships that were bombed at Pearl Harbor. -
Dousing the flames on the battleship USS West Virginia, helped the ship survive. The boat was torpedoed by nine torpedoes. The shipe was later restored. -
11:30 AM
There's a radio signal that's intercepted by the US from the Japanese. It includes information about the bombing that was happening. -
An evacuation plan was undergo for Pearl Harbor, four hours too late. The intercepted radio message was too late for Hawiian time. -
The Japanese bombed west of Kauai for 20 minutes straight. There was a total of seven attacks made by the plane. -
USS Pennsylvania was hit on the dock. The dry dock floods. And the Oklahoma capsized. -
4:42 PM
Four planes were mistaken for Japansese. They were shot down with friendly fire. The planes were armed with torpedoes and recovered after dark.