Period: to
Last Ditch Peace Effort
President Roosevelt made one last effort for peace with Japan. With no esponse, they were left to decipher a 14 part code. They decided Japan would attack Asia. -
Japan Breaks Off
Japan sends messages saying that they are attacking us. Washington sets up for everyone to be told before the attack, but Hawaii gets it four hours after the attack starts. -
The Attack
At 6 a.m., six carriers and 423 planes are set to attack. The first wave is set to hit the U.S. Pacific Fleet. -
At 7:02 a.m, a Junior Officer is told by two others that an attack is coming. He disregards it saying they are the two B-17s set to arrive that same day. -
Wave 2
At 7:15 a.m, the second wave, consisting of 167 planes leaves from a Japanese carrier, ready for battle. -
To Much Relax?
With an attack on the horizon, the harbor is not on high alert. They have no reason to believe that an attack is imminent. They are prepared for just another day. -
At 7:53 a.m, the first wave arrives at the harbor, consisting of 141 bombers and 43 fighters. The attack is, obviously, unexpected. -
The Surprise
Americans are taken by surprise, the attacks last until about 9:30 a.m. Escaping the were the three main targets, Lexington, Enterprise, and the Saratoga. 2,335 were killed with more than 1 thousand injured. More than 1,000 killed in the Arizona alone. -
The U.S. and Great Britain declare war on Japan after the "sneak attack" was performed before the Japanese ambassadors would tell U.S officials. -
Failed Proper Technique
Admiral Chester W. Nimitz became the new commander of the Pacific fleet after Admiral Kimmel and Lt. General Short were relieved of their duties because they neglected to follow safety protocals of an immiment attack.