Fourteen Points Speech
Wilson delivers the speech, which will become the framework for peace talks in europe. -
Germany Asks for Peace
Germany asks for peace on wilson's fourteen points. -
Treaty of Versallies
Ecocomic restrictiions, territorial losses, millitary restrictions, and war guilt clause on germany -
Treaty of Saint-Germain
Dissolved Austria-Hungary, created several states based on ethnic groups. Austria had to pay reperations. -
Treaty of Neuilly-Sur-Seine
With, Allied powers and Bulgiria, asked bulgaria t pay 100 Million Euros and reduce the side of their army. The allies recieved western thrace. -
League of Nations Created
The LoN was created in an attempt to create peace -
Treaty of Trainon
Defined the borders of Hungary and placed responisibility on the country. -
Treaty of Sèvres
With the Ottoman Empire, made several indipendant nations out of their territories and gave some more to the allies. -
Washington Naval Confrence
Arms control confrence, resulted in the 4,5,and 9 power treaty. Resulted in reductions to the navy, and an agreement to respect all territories. -
Rurh Crisis Begins
Germany stops making payments to France, and France immediatly occupies the Rurh Region -
Traty of Locarno
France agrees to leave Germany, and Ger,amy agreed to pay reperations. -
Geneva Confrence
US, GB, and Japan, made mutral limits to their forces. It failed, because they did not reach an agreement, so the naval arms race went on. -
London Naval Confrence
The Conference followed the Washington and Geneva Conference to gather to promote limits on the “naval capacities” in the world powers. The Five Power Naval Limitation Treaty was also collectively worked on during this time, which was originally signed Feb. 6 1922. -
Japan invades Manchuria
Following the invasion, The League of Nations approved an action to bring Manchuria out of Japanese rule and for it to become semi-independent. This lead to the Japanese resignation from the League.