PC game graphics

  • First pc game : OXO

    First pc game : OXO
    Supposedly first graphical computer game released.Simplest graphics just pixels on on of the first computers.
    (month and day unknown)
  • SpaceWar!

    Slight more complex game. Objects were rounded and not as pixelated as OXO created by Steve Russel
  • Donkey

    Made by Bill Gates and another co worker they created a free game called donkey using large pixelated figures for the game.
  • Wing Commander

    Wing Commander
    Ranked seventh best PC game in 1996. Graphics were one of the best for the time including moving hand graphic while playing. Created by Chris Roberts
  • Sims Original

    Sims Original
    Created by Will Wright sims became one of the bestselling games of the era bringing in female games as they played a game made of 3D graphics