Hepatitis B Vaccination
Hepatitis B is a virus that infects the liver and you can get it by sharing needles with an infected person, getting a tattoo or piercing with tools that weren't sterilized, or sharing a personal item like a razor or toothbrush with an infected person. -
Second Dose Hepatitis B
Rotavirus Vaccination
Rotavirus is a type of infection that is most common in children under the age of 5 and it's the most common cause of diarrhoeal disease. Rotavirus can be spread both before and after children show signs of being sick. Children can catch this if they put their fingers in their mouths after touching something that has been contaminated by the stool of an infected person. -
Diphtheria/tetanus/pertussis Vaccination (DTaP)
This vaccine helps children younger than 7 develop immunity to three deadly diseases cause by bacteria: diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough. Whooping cough is highly contagious and it causes coughing spasms in infants. This makes it difficult for the infant to eat, drink, or even breathe. -
Haemophilus Influenza Type B (Hib)
Hib vaccine prevents serious infections caused by a type of bacteria called Haemophilus influenza type b. These infections include meningitis (an infection of the covering of the brain and spinal cord), pneumonia (lung infection), and epiglottitis (a severe throat infection). -
Pneumococcal Vaccination (PCV13)
There are more than 90 types of pneumococcal bacteria. PCV13 protects against 13 types and PPSV23 protects against 23 types. Both vaccines provide protection against meningitis and bacteremia (blood infection). PCV13 also provides protection against pneumonia. -
Polio Vaccination
Most people infected with the polio virus have no symptoms, but for the less than one percent who develop paralysis it may result in permanent disability and even death. -
Rotavirus Second Dose
Rotavirus Third Dose
Third dose may be omitted. -
DTaP Second Dose
Hib Second Dose
PCV13 Second Dose
Polio Second Dose
Hib Third Dose
DTaP Third Dose
PCV13 Third Dose
Third Dose of Hepatitis B
Hib Fourth Dose
PCV13 Fourth Dose
Polio Third Dose
Measles/mumps/rubella (MMR) First Dose
All of these are contagious diseases that is caused by a virus. Measles starts with a fever, runny nose, cough, red eyes, and sore throat. It's followed by a rash that spreads over the entire body. Most people with mumps will have swelling of their salivary glands, which causes the puffy cheeks and a tender, swollen jaw. Other symptoms may include fever, headache, muscle aches, tiredness, and loss of appetite. In children, the disease is usually mild with fever and a rash. -
Varicella (chickenpox) First Dose
Two doses of the vaccine are about 98% effective at preventing chickenpox. Chickenpox includes a fever and skin blisters. -
Hepatitis A Vaccination
Hepatits A is a highly contagious liver infection caused by the hepatitis A virus. You get hepatitis A from contaminated food or water or from close contact with a person or object that's infected. Most people who are infected recover completely with no permanent liver damage. -
DTaP Fourth Dose
Hepatitis A Second Dose
6 months from first dose. -
Booster Dose -
Polio Booster Dose
MMR Booster Dose
Varicella Booster Dose
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
The HPV vaccination can protect people from serious cancers later in life. This can also protect men and women from the infections that cause most cases of anal cancer, mouth/throat cancer, and genital warts, as well as many cases of cervical, vaginal, and vulvar cancer in women, and penile cancer in men. -
HPV Second Dose
Meningococcal (ACWY) Vaccination
This vaccine protects against four different strains of the meningococcal bacteria that cause meningitis and blood poisoning: A, C, W, Y. Meningitis is an inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. -
Meningococcal (ACWY) Second Dose
Meningococcal (B) Vaccination
This is a serious illness caused by a type of bacteria called Neisseria meningitidis. It can lead to meningitis and infections of the blood. -
Meningococcal (B) Second Dose