Paula Pin

By ppin81
  • Silent Spring

    Silent Spring is a book by Rachel Carson published on September 27, 1962, and addressed the negative consequences on the environment caused by the unregulated use of pesticides, and successfully brought these problems to the attention of the American public.
  • Earth day 22nd april

    earth day was first held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. colleges and universities were involved, primary and secondary schools, and communities across the United States.
    Recycling, energy conservation, increasing plant and tree growth, save water, respect nature, reduce toxins in the air, keep the environment clean, reduce air pollution.
  • Minimata Disease, Japan

    The disaster happened on December 3rd of 1984 at midnight in the city of Bhopal (India). The Bhopal Pesticide disaster happened because one of the tanks was overheated and burst, resulting in 42 tonnes of toxic methyl isocyanate gas released. This exposed 500,000 people to this toxic gas, which killed 8000-10000 people in the first 72 hours while some 25,000 people died from related diseases.
  • Bhopal Pesticide plant:

    The Bhopal Pesticide disaster happened because one of the tanks was overheated and burst, resulting in 42 tonnes of toxic methyl isocyanate gas released. This exposed 500,000 people to this toxic gas, which killed 8000-10000 people in the first 72 hours while some 25,000 people died from related diseases.
    This disaster made people be more aware of the negative impacts that industrialization creates if safety regulations are not taken into account.
  • The Brundtland Report

    It described principles for sustainable development. The Brundtland Report critical global environmental problems were one of the causes of the enormous poverty of the Southern part of the world and the non-sustainable consumption and production in the Northern part. This report aimed to obtain countries’ development and a sustainable environment at the same time. The goal was to reach a point where there was sustainable development without affecting negatively the future generations.
  • International agreements : The Kyoto protocol

    The only nations that didn’t sign 1997's Global Climate Treaty are Afghanistan, Sudan & the U.S.A. The Kyoto Protocol was an international treaty which extends the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that commits state parties to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Results tell us that between 1990 and 2012 the original Kyoto Protocol parties reduced their CO2 emissions by 12.5%, which is well beyond the 2012 target of 4.7% (CO2 only, rather than greenhouse gases).
  • Carbon dioxide removal (CDR)

    CDR is a way to refer to techniques used for removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and thus reducing global warming. The most used process of CDR is by carbon capture and storage (BECCS) and actually is considered so important that IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change) has incorpard it in their modelling of solution.
  • An Inconvenient Truth documentary,

    The immediate response was a change in attitude towards the natural environment in the places where the film was screened. For instance, a public survey done in the US showed that the percentage of Americans taking global warming into account while doing regular human activity increased by 9%.
    An Inconvenient Truth will have marked the environmental movement forever.
  • electric cars

    Tesla Motors produced their very first electric car, the Roadster, in 2008. This vehicle was a revolution in the modern age of the electric vehicle and featured cutting-edge battery technology and electric powertrain. The original Roadster is a battery electric vehicle (BEV) and was the first highway legal serial production all-electric car to ever use a lithium-ion battery as a power source. It is also the first all-electric car capable of traveling more than 320 kilometers per charge.
  • UN Earth Summit in Rio

    The UN Earth Summit hosted in Rio, Brazil was the first large scale international conference focused specifically on trying to come up with solutions for global environmental problems. This conference took place 40 years after the first “Earth Summit” in Stockholm, Sweden.
    Decision to strengthen the ‘United Nations Environment Programme’
    and the main topics where climate change , Desertification, Sustainability, Development, Forests and Conservation.
  • Paris International Agreements,

    Paris brought all nations into a common cause to undertake ambitious efforts to combat climate change and adapt to its effects, with better support to assist developing countries to do so.
  • The sixth mass extinction

    The planet is currently experiencing the worst extinction of plants and animals. Science estimates we are losing species at 1,000 to 10,000 the background rate (dozens going extinct everyday).it happened on present time.he whole extinction was started by humans, 99% of currently threatened species are at risk from human activities (habitat loss, global warming, introduction of exotic species)
  • Floating rubbish bin that cleans oceans.

    Andrew Turton and Pete Ceglinski were involved. They created the Seabin, a floating rubbish bin that can collect plastic bottles, paper, oil, fuel, and detergent floating in the ocean. This project made people take notice of how much sea bodies all around the world are polluted. Many places around the world purchase this technological invention which will eventually have a great positive impact.