Paul's Mission Trips

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    Written in Antioch, the relationship between the Gentiles and the Jews believers was a problem. This church founded on his first missionary journey; it was a particular problem that Paul was writing to correct, circumcision. Acts 13:2-14:28
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    I Corinthians

    I Corinthians
    Near the end of Paul's three-year ministry in Ephesus, the church was established on his second missionary journey. I Corinthians 16:8
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    II Corinthians

    II Corinthians
    Written in Macedonia, Paul uses words to correct and teach. Most of the church responded properly while some denied Paul's authority and questioned his motives. II Corinthians 2:13, 7:5
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    Written in Corinth while Paul was preparing for his visit to Jerusalem. Paul had finished his work in the East, and he planned on visiting Rome on his way to Spain after he delivered a collection to Jerusalem for the poor. Romans 15:22-23
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    Written in Rome during imprisonment, Paul had spent three years with the Ephesian Church and the letters never stated any specific problems but was sent more for strength and encouragement. Acts 19: 1-20