Paul Revere

  • Stamp Act

    "Unfair! Revere said when he heard about the stamp act in 1765."-Paul Revere 2
  • Boston Massacre

    "History shows Paul Revere was witness to the incident."-Paul Revere 2
  • Boston Tea Party

    "Paul Revere led one of groups that snuck on to the British ships in Boston Harbor."-Paul Revere
  • Paul Revere's Ride

    "Listen, my children, and you shall hear of the midnight ride of Paul Revere"-Paul Revere's Ride
  • British Troops Mobilize

    "and the mearsured tread of the grenadiers, marching down to their boats on the shore."-Paul Revere's Ride
  • Paul Revere's Friend Puts Two Lights in the Old Church

    "a glimmer, and then a gleam of light!"-Paul Revere's Ride
  • Prescot Catches up with Paul Revere

    "and were overtaken by a young gentlmen named Prescot"-The Depostion:Draft
  • Incident on Lexington Green

    "When we got whithin sight of the Meeting House, we heard a volly of guns fired"-The Deposotion:Draft
  • Paul Revere Captured

    "If you go an inch further, you are a dead man."-The Depostion:Draft