Paul Revere

By tates
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act was when England taxed the colonist. Revere heard about the Stamp Act in 1765 and along with many other patriots thought it was unfair.
    (The Spy Who Saw it All)
  • The Sons of Liberty

    In the summer of 1765 a group of people formed The Sons of Liberty which stood up against the unjust British demands.
    (The Spy Who Saw it All)
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre was when British Soldiers shot upon colonist. Paul Revere was a witness to this.
    (The Spy Who Saw it All)
  • Paul Revere's mission

    At 10o'clock Paul Revere was in Boston and was sent by Joseph Warren to go to Lexington to inform Samuel Adams and John Hancock that there were a number of boats to recieve them, as well as British soldiers marching.
    (The Deposition pg. 311)
  • Almost to Charlestown

    It was 11 o'clock when Paul was almost to Charlestown Common towards Cambridge. It was here were he saw two officers on horseback but they could not catch him.
    (The Deposition pg. 311)
  • Arrives in Lexington

    At 1 o'clock in the morning Paul rides into Lexington.
    (Paul Revere's Ride pg. 305)
  • Crossing the Bridge

    At Midnight, Paul Revere crossed the bridge at Medford town.
    (Paul Revere's Ride, pg. 305)
  • Paul makes it to Concord Town.

    Revere makes it to Concord at 2 o' clock and spreads the word of the British.
    (Paul Revere's Ride pg. 305)
  • Revere is Captured

    After dilvering the message Paul was capture by a group of soldiers.
    (The Deposition pg. 312)