Vienna, Austria -
Against Method
Paul Feyerabend's most read and well known book amongst philosophers and scientists is titled Against Method. In his book, Feyerabend argues against conventional, factual and logical approaches to science and introduces an "anything goes" approach. Feyerabend expresses science as being an anarchist enterprise that cannot be expected to abide by fixed, universal rules. Instead, Feyerabend insists that new hypothesis' contradicting proven theories are necessary for scientific advancement. -
Science in a Free Society
Paul Feyerabend wrote Science in a Free Society shortly after Against Method (1975) in response to critics of the book. In Science in a Free Society, Feyerabend claims that science is essentially ruled under government law and is not permitted the right of free expression. In this book, Feyerabend continues to defend his assertion that science is not logical and that everyone should be afforded the opportunity to express their ideas freely as represented in a democratic society. -
Farewell to Reason
Farewell to Reason is a collection of essays written by Paul Feyerabend during the 1980s. In the essays, Feyerabend introduces his support of relativism and cultural diversity within society and argues both being necessary in order to solve life's problems. Feyerabend proposes this in opposition of the notions of Reason, Objectivity and Rationalism. -
Feyerabend Philosophy of Science
Genolier, Vaud, Switzerland -
Feyerabend, P. (1975). Against method: outline of an anarchistic theory of knowledge. London: Verso Edition. Feyerabend, P. (1987). Science in a free society. London: Verso Editions. Feyerabend, P. K. (1987). Farewell to reason. London: Verso.