Feyerabend 4

Paul Feyerabend- January 13, 1924 - February 11, 1944

By Nunu50
  • "Explanation, Reduction, and Empiricism"

    "Explanation, Reduction, and Empiricism"
    Paul introduces incommensurability which means to have no common sense. He wanted to make a criticism of conceptual conservatives on how they limit their capability to understand concepts to a point where they feel like that is their limit. This made him stand out as a rebel against the rigid structure of science. Scientific theories affect the way we view our world. It influences our beliefs and actions that may contribute to that theory. It affects the way we perceive reality.
  • Against Method

    Against Method
    "Anything Goes." Paul sees the scientific method as a concept that limits the ability to be a free thinker. It is compared to a strong belief such as religion or magic. They have many rules and if you try to change them, then you are wrong. He stresses that the ability to be free and not chained to methodologies is more useful than using established concepts. He uses the term epistemological anarchism to explain that there are no useful methods to further the knowledge of a scientific mind.
  • Video on Against Method

  • Science in a Free Society

    Science in a Free Society
    This book continues his arguments that he made in "Against Method." He adds that the separation of science and state is much needed as the separation of church and state. Science has too many weights holding it down. This weight limits its ability to further the progression. Instead it has to cater to what society wants it to be. There is no set rule book or method that needs to be used in all fields of science. However social entities demand a structure settled up to organize science as a whole
  • Farewell to Reason

    Farewell to Reason
    This book series explains that diversity is superior than uniformity. he explains that uniformity will waste more resources and time. Perhaps working with people that expects everyone to have the same beliefs will take the joy out of diversity. Diversity helps promote different ideas and theories to be used. A collection of different diverse ideas is better than a uniformed idea. Both has its pros and cons but this may give the comfortability for scientists to work in groups or as individuals.