Period: to
In just a few articles posted overtime Feyerabend says that our commonsense understanding of the mind was incommensurable with the materialistic scientific view. This was a radical statement taken by him because he claims people want to think of the mind in a materialistic view rather than methodological. -
Feyerabend believes that science should work in an anarchist way. He wants science to separated from the state the same way church is. He believes that western society holds certain scientific advances putting science on a pedestal and he disagreed with that. -
Against Method
Feyerabend argued that following a structured out method for science would limit the advances for scientists and restrict scientific progress. -
Science in a Free Society
Feyerabend attacks science and its philosophers for being close minded to all ideas of science and those who produce theories. He even goes to extremes to say that witchcraft and cults should have free expression of ideas without the interference of others. -
Video and Citations
this video is quite long but gives a good understanding to his "Against Method" Preston, John. “Paul Feyerabend.” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Stanford University, 21 Sept. 2016, “Paul Feyerabend.” Obo, www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780195396577/obo-9780195396577-0046.xml -
Effect on Science
Feyerabend effected science was his criticism on Kuhn's paradigm shift theory. This caused Kuhn to take back his more radical theory of paradigm shift and had a more refined concept of what a paradigm shift truly is. He was a free thinker that didn't think that boundaries should be set on science.