Born in Vienna into a middle-class family to a civil servant and a seamtress. Paul Feyerabend. (2016, Sep 21). Retrieved from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/feyerabend/ -
Period: to
Early School Years
Attended Realgymnasium (High School) where he was a Vorzugsschuler (grades exceeded average). Became a drama student which led to philosophy through books for drama. Paul Feyerabend. (2016, Sep 21). Retrieved from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/feyerabend/ -
Period: to
War World 2
Drafted into the Arbeitsdienst (Nazi work service) and attended basic training. In 1942 joined the Wehrmacht's Pioneer Corps. Awarded the Iron Cross in 1944 for actions in combat. Shot in 1944 causing temporary paralysis, but leaving him impotent. Achieved the rank of Major by the end of the war. Paul Feyerabend. (2016, Sep 21). Retrieved from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/feyerabend/ -
Mother's Suicide
Learned of mother's suicide while stationed in Vukovar, Yugoslavia and display no emotion.
Paul Feyerabend. (2016, Sep 21). Retrieved from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/feyerabend/ -
Institut zur Methodologischen Erneuerung des Deutschen Theaters
Studied theatre and while at Weimar academy took lessons in Italian,harmony, piano, singing and enunciation. Paul Feyerabend. (2016, Sep 21). Retrieved from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/feyerabend/ -
University of Vienna
Influenced by physicists Hans Thirring, Karl Przibram and Felix Ehrenhaft. Paul Feyerabend. (2016, Sep 21). Retrieved from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/feyerabend/ -
Period: to
Return to Vienna
Attended school at the Institut fur Osterreichische Geschinchtsfroschung, for opting to study history and sociology then theoretical physics. While a student he also attended philosophy lectures and seminars. Paul Feyerabend. (2016, Sep 21). Retrieved from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/feyerabend/ -
Met Karl Popper while at a international summer seminar of the Austrian College Society in Alpbach. Feyerabend attending this meeting many times after as a student, lecture and chair member. Paul Feyerabend. (2016, Sep 21). Retrieved from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/feyerabend/ -
Period: to
Vienna Circle
Feyerabend meet or listened to speakers Viktor Kraft, Bela Juhos, Walter Hollitscher, Georg Henrick von Wright, Elizabeth Anscombr, Wittgenstein and Bertolt Breecht. Paul Feyerabend. (2016, Sep 21). Retrieved from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/feyerabend/ -
Zur Theorie der Basissatze
Doctoral thesis on "basic sentences" or 'protocol sentences" completed under the supervision of Kraft. Paul Feyerabend. (2016, Sep 21). Retrieved from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/feyerabend/ -
Quantum Mechanics and Wittgenstein
Published articles on quantum mechanics and Wittgenstein. Paul Feyerabend. (2016, Sep 21). Retrieved from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/feyerabend/ -
Period: to
University of Bristol, England
First academic philosophy lecturing assignment and also met David Bohm. During which time he wrote two papers, "An Attempt at a Realistic Interpretation of Experience" and "Complementarity." Paul Feyerabend. (2016, Sep 21). Retrieved from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/feyerabend/ -
Colston Research Symposium
University of Bristol during which time Feyerabend gave paper on quantum theory of measurement. Paul Feyerabend. (2016, Sep 21). Retrieved from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/feyerabend/ -
Period: to
University of California at Berkley
In 1958 invited to spend one year and then full-time lecturer in 1960. Wrote, "Das Problem der Existenz theoretischer Entitaten," "Explanation, Reduction and Empiricism," and "How to be a Good Empiricist." Paul Feyerabend. (2016, Sep 21). Retrieved from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/feyerabend/ -
Philosophical Forum publication
"Science, Freedom, and the Good Life." Kidd, I. J. (2016). Was Feyerabend a Postmodernist? International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 30(1), 55-68.
Paul Feyerabend. (2016, Sep 21). Retrieved from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/feyerabend/ -
Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Sciene
Work entitled, "Philosophy of Science: A Subject with a Great Past." Kidd, I. J. (2016). Was Feyerabend a Postmodernist? International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 30(1), 55-68. -
Natur und Geschichte. X. Deutscher Kongrefs fur Philosophie
"Die Wissenschaftstheorie-eine bisher unbekannte Form de Irrsinnes?" Kidd, I. J. (2016). Was Feyerabend a Postmodernist? International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 30(1), 55-68. -
Against Method
Against Method is Feyerabend's first book, on the nonexistence of the scientific method. Munchin, D. (2011). 'Is theology a science?' Paul Feyeraband's anarchic epistemology as challenge text to T.F.Torrance's scientific theology. Scottish Journal of Theology 64(4) , 439-455.
Paul Feyerabend. (2016, Sep 21). Retrieved from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/feyerabend/ -
Radical Philosophy
"How to Defend Society against Science" Kidd, I. J. (2016). Was Feyerabend a Postmodernist? International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 30(1), 55-68. -
Essays in Memory of Imre Lakatos
"On the Critique of Scientific Reason" Kidd, I. J. (2016). Was Feyerabend a Postmodernist? International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 30(1), 55-68. -
Science in a Free Society
Science in a Free Society is a response to reviewers of Against Methods. Kidd, I. J. (2016). Was Feyerabend a Postmodernist? International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 30(1), 55-68.
Paul Feyerabend. (2016, Sep 21). Retrieved from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/feyerabend/ -
Science as an Art
Relativistic account of the history of science when there is "change" but "no progress." Paul Feyerabend. (2016, Sep 21). Retrieved from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/feyerabend/ -
Died in the Genolier clinic in Switzerland -
Killing Time
Autobiography of Paul Feyerabend published. Paul Feyerabend. (2016, Sep 21). Retrieved from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/feyerabend/ -
Feyerabend and Kuhn