
  • 5

    Paul's Birth 5 AD

  • 15

    Trained as a Pharisee by Gamaliel 1 15-20 AD

  • 31

    Present at Stephen's stoning; persecuted Christians 31-34 AD

  • 34

    Converted, called, and commissioned on the way to Damascus 34 AD

  • 36

    Meets with Peter, sees James, in Jerusalem 36-37 AD

  • 45

    Ministers in Syria/Cilicia 37-45 AD

  • 47

    Minister with Barnabas in Antioch. Second visit to Jerusalem; time of famine. 45-47 AD

  • 48

    First Missionary Journey 1.5 years 47-48 AD

  • 51

    Second Missionary Journey 2.5 years 49-51 AD

  • 65

    Paul's Death 64-65 AD